[TUTORIAL] Get Prizes through Lockerz

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Active Member
Hi WJUNCTION members !

Lockerz is a prize paying site in which you have to make points and redeem the prizes like Apple Notebook,Ipod touch etc.

How To Sign Up:

Please pm me that you want to join lockerz then I will invite you and then you will join.

This is Lockerz Beginner Guide getting referrals


I will show guide which will help you getting Lockerz referrals

1. Blog/Non-Paid domains

a) If you have blog you can add your html code on it.You will get many referrals from there especially if your blog is related to freebiejeebie websites.

b)Websites like Yola,webs,wix...there are almost same situation but you can add some great features and widgets to make it cool.


Upload many videos on youtube about Lockerz and proofs.Put your invite website link in description.Share videos...tell people to put comments,rate...if you do that you will have less chance to get your video copyrighted...only if you have any...
Make video responses to lockerz unboxing videos...To popular freebie videos...to most viewed and high rated,favourited....
You will be impressed with stats... :P

3. Forums

Promote your Invite website on Paid To Post forums,freebie forums,games forums,high-famous forums where it isn't already posted.Just be helpful and reply to people,and you will get so much referrals ...don't post and get away

4. Social networks

Social networks can help you getting referrals.More friends you have,more chance to someone register under you.Twitter,Facebook,MySpace,Orkut,Klikot,MyPage5, Swom,Google Buzz,Socints.
Socints is great social network.There are people who are searching for online earning websites and freebie websites.
Socints is paid to socialize website.Mine friend invited more than 300 people from there.

5. Signatures

Put your banners and links in your signature.If you are good poster you will get more referrals than you think and hundred of referrals.Search for popular forums and frebiejeebie like.If you have any issues modifying your signature contact me.

6.Instant messaging

Just explain people what is Locekrz...tell them about proofs...how is easy to get prizes...cool prizes etc :P give them your fribiz link to register... and be persistent...and you will get new referrals :P

7.locekrz fan Website

Build your own website about Lockerz.There will be great if you have money and bought domain.That will attract people attention.SEO it regularly (for paid domains).Put some info,proofs on website... and you can put some ads to keep it alive... :P

8.Your own Website

If you have your forum/website you can put ad on it,so people can spot it and register on fribiz as your referral and you get much referrals.

9. Yahoo answers

Answer questions at yahoo.com,improve traffic always do yahoo answers posting along with your invite site link back to your website. Just don’t spam them otherwise you will be punished.


you can get referrals from omegle.Just spread your invite website link. :P

You will be impressed with statistics and your number of invites sent.

I hope this Guide helped you.

Proof of Prizes thats Not Mine:

This is not my proof but my friend got this see this.

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