Torrent or Filehost?
With the hottest releases so quickly posted by release blogs like rlslog etc, is it really worth it to use torrents.
For example on my RDP, I can get DL speeds of average 40MBs, while torrents barely hit 10 or 15MBs ..... and with torrents there's always the issue of keeping up your ratio.
So is being 'free' the only remaining reason to use torrents? If you have other reasons, please post them here.
With the hottest releases so quickly posted by release blogs like rlslog etc, is it really worth it to use torrents.
For example on my RDP, I can get DL speeds of average 40MBs, while torrents barely hit 10 or 15MBs ..... and with torrents there's always the issue of keeping up your ratio.
So is being 'free' the only remaining reason to use torrents? If you have other reasons, please post them here.