Top Games For 2013 - My Personal List

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Mind Freak™

Active Member
I was supposed to make this thread a long time back but due to certain circumstances I was not able to do it.

So here is the list of games which i personally want to play or have played during the year of 2013.

So lets begin,

Grand Theft Auto V


No doubt on this game being the most anticipated game of the year 2013. Grand Theft Auto V is the biggest release Rockstar has planned. It is an open-world map based on the city of Los Angeles, the action is distributed between three people to pull off various heists. Expect a ton of vehicles, weapons, missions, characters and as for the predecessors go expect a great storyline to match them up.

Tomb Raider


I have played the game and to be honest this was the best game I played till now this year, imagine the gameplay of far cry 3 but with the story line of Tomb Raider. They have given a complete reboot to the game , you are not the bad asskicker Lara croft , you have to start from ground zero to learn your skills to defeat various types of enemies like a Japanese Warrior or hired baboons.

The Last of Us


This game is developed by Naughty Dogs one of the most skilled developing studios, so expect the game to be awesome and a great story play. The trailer is out the story is utterly believable so I am desperately waiting for it, but the sad part is the game is only for Playstation 3

Watch Dogs


Watch Dogs is the game which I have been wanting to play since the trailer has been released , Imagine being a hacker in an open world having the ability to hack into phones , street lights , etc .. well that's the thing you are going to experience in this game.

Assassin Creeds 4 - Black Flag


After A3 I am thinking why the early release , they should have worked on it a bit more but any how Assassin creeds is a great gaming serious, even if i would be a critic towards the game since the last release but i would love to play it.

So that's the list of games i am waiting for or have played during this year ,

P.S : I did play Crysis 3 , Aliens vs Colonial Marines , DMC , Metal Gear.

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