Top 5 social marketing websites to increase website traffic [FREE]


In today's world, Social Media Marketing has become a very important tool to promote your website and bring free and effective traffic on it. You will find a lot of websites claiming to increase your website traffic free of cost. But only a handful of these websites actually brings relevant traffic on your website. However, if you want relevant traffic on your website then use the following 5 social media marketing websites for better effective results:

1. Twitter: Twitter was born to become a social marketing tool. Ease of use along with tremendous popularity has made it the best social marketing tool to bring free traffic on your websites. Although, you need to have followers on your account in order to promote your website. But, you can easily get free and relevant twitter followers on your account with

2. Facebook: From being a social networking website to social marketing wizard, facebook has came so far. You can create your website's account or fan page to promote it on facebook. With over 700 million users, you would be fool not to use facebook to promote your website.

3. Traffup is considered as the number one tool to bring "free" and "effective" traffic on your website. It not just brings free traffic but also makes sure that you get relevant visitors on your website, who are interested in reading the content of your website. Plus, with its "Retweets" section, traffup helps you to spread a word about your website among millions of twitter users, free of cost.

4. Squidoo: Squidoo combines the advantages of "article submission" and "social bookmarking" to promote your website free of cost. You can post articles about your website, share its link, and can even share its RSS feed to bring free traffic on your website.

5. Digg: Although its popularity is decreasing day by day, but Digg is still the best social bookmarking tools available online. With a very big userbase, you can easily get a lot of traffic by submitting your website's URL on it.
facebook will delete page when promoting adult site how to promote then?

Don't call it adult, link to YT which can sustain a excised (basically late night Cinemax but even less) version of what you offer and relevant info, or consider the fact that FB won't charge your ad manager until it hits the min limit to charge. YT will take your vid down but it's not as harsh as FB which is on the ball with that stuff.
I do agree that social signals and marketing becomes the first solution for online work .... and my opinion twitter + fb are the best solution now adays thanks alot for your help and support mate , best wishes