The Search for Waldo - Big Prizes!

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You guys may want to check out the script we use to present our Streaming TV Shows ;)
As the clue states, Waldo loves TV.
Contest has been concluded. Benign will be speaking with you shortly!

We will be running these sort of scavenger hunts frequently to boost the community!
Messiah has one a 6 Month FileServe or HotFile Premium courteous of
Please respond to this thread with which account you would like Messiah.

faku has won a $25.00 dollar BestBuy gift card courteous of
Please reply to this thread, letting us know what gateway you'd like to receive your prize.

eXploit has one a 1 Month Fileserve or Hotfile Premium account courteous of
Please respond to this thread with which account you would like eXploit.

I'll go for a Hotfile account please, fileserve is kind a enough to give me a good enough speed as a normal user :P

Thanks for the gift Benign.<3
animal will deliver everyone the prizes, we are purchasing the accounts right now. Just know they were supplied by WarezWaldo, we would love to see you over there, actively involved in the community
Wow, that was quick, thank you very much guys, and will be paying your site a few more visits. <3 Thanks again. :)

EDIT: It seems to be a 2 month account, is that right? If it is, thank you :)
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