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Wordpress is the most common blogging and CMS platform used throughout the internet.

This a comprehensive list of plugins which I generally use while setting up my clients websites.

1. Akismet
It keeps your site protected from spam even while you sleep.
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2. Jetpack
Supercharge your WordPress site with powerful features previously only available to users.
Plugin Page

3. Google XML Sitemaps
The only good plugin which is light and efficient for generating sitemaps.
Plugin Page

4. Google Analyticator
If you track your site stats using Google Analytics then this plugin is a must. The good trait about this plugin is that it provides you a quick stats update on your dashboard so you don't have to login in Google Analytics to check your daily visitor count and page views.
Plugin Page

5. SEO Friendly Images
It doesn't harm in getting users from Google Image Search, so have your images be SEO'd
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6. Disqus Comment System
If you are having trouble with a lot of spam comments being passed through Akismet then let this plugin take care of your discussion system.
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7. Lazy Load
This plugin is God-like for saving up bandwidth for self-hosted images. It will restrict the loading of all the post images on a page unless the user scrolls to that viewport area.
Plugin Page

8. Platinum SEO
I personally feel that all other SEO plugins are useless or too much complex. This plugin I've been using from past 3 years and its perfect. You just need to configure it once and done.
Plugin Page

9. Wordpress Related Posts
It is a very powerful plugin which will help your visitors stay longer on your website. The most fascinating feature about this plugin is that it provides you a detailed statistics about the efficiency of the related posts and how much clicks you get through them. And all this you can get on your admin dashboard.

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10. WP-CMS Post Control
Wordpress has got inbuilt auto-save and revision features which fills your database with unnecessary post revisions. So install this plugin and save up your database space.
Plugin Page

11. WP-PostViews
This plugin goes by its name. It tracks down the visits of every particular page and post. It has also got a widget which will display the most visited posts in sidebar.
Plugin Page


Automating Wordpress Backups
12. Online Backup for WordPress
I use this plugin for backing up my database. I wouldn't recommend it for backing up files since free users have only 100MB of space. Just configure it you will never have loss of your database.
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13. Wordpress Backup to Dropbox
This plugin can be used for backing up the files. Since you get around 2-5GB free space on Dropbox so use it for storing the wordpress files. It copies the files in a separate folder in your dropbox account. Configure the settings and automate the process. I set it to weekly backups.
Plugin Page

14. BBCode
As the name goes, it just lets you use BBCodes in Wordpress Posts.
Plugin Page

These are the must have wordpress plugins.
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I know that Platinum SEO plugin is not being updated from the past 2 years but it works. Infact Yoast's SEO Plugin is too much. I switched back from Yoast SEO Plugin to Platinum SEO Plugin on all my sites and regained the search engine traffic in few months.

I'll be updating the thread with Wordpress Security Plugins soon.
I know that Platinum SEO plugin is not being updated from the past 2 years but it works. Infact Yoast's SEO Plugin is too much. I switched back from Yoast SEO Plugin to Platinum SEO Plugin on all my sites and regained the search engine traffic in few months.

I'll be updating the thread with Wordpress Security Plugins soon.
yoast plugin takes time,but its good
No not that. I don't know why but here are the results.

I had Yoast SEO Plugin for the month of December to January 23 or 24. After that I disabled it and installed Platinum SEO and see the traffic boost.
I think it's worth taking a look at why your traffic dropped. That way you might be able to find out why Yoast SEO deceased your traffic. Did traffic for certain keywords drop?
What about a WordPress eCommerce plugin that allows members to create accounts and store their billing & shipping information for future use?
I'm using SEO Ultimate and its pretty good. What I liked about is the 404 Monitor :D I fix the 404 errors (on autoblogs). Thanks SLiM !

I'm not into ecommerce so I haven't used any of the ecommerce plugins. If you have used them personally then tell me your experience and I'll add them up on the main thread.
14. BBCode
As the name goes, it just lets you use BBCodes in Wordpress Posts.
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