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I would like to achieve over the forum but unfortunately the thread is closed.

Would be a great help, since they do a good job
I got 16 download on my files that are equal in size to 700MB, and I received a gain of 0.08 euro, my downloads are all of France, which is in the tier 1 , and you have specified in the affiliate program that you pay 30 euro for 1000 download until 100 MB and 1000 MB.
can explain me this gain then ?
thank you
I asked, I get an email that is currently being developed on the site and therefore may experience problems with the stats.

They not cheating.

These cases would only be considered completed downloads and only 1 IP per 24 hours
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The Support Agents are banned for creating dupes and bumping their own threads

On a personal note stay away from such hosts
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