TeamViewer on Centos Remote Server

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Active Member
Hi all,

I searched every where for a solution on how to install Teamviewer on a remote centos server but i couldn't find one that works

all tutorials about how to install it on the system but not on how to connect to it after install ,

i am in desperate need for a remote desktop connection to my server and i have tried every thing and it didn't work

any one know how to install and make teamviewer work on centos on a remote server i would really appreciate it


This tutorials and all tutorials out there is based on the assumption that you install it on a linux pc not a remote server where the only thing you have is a terminal ssh

for example how can i possibly do that from a remote SSH session ?

5) Once Team Viewer Get Installed. Make sure you are switch to Normal User. Because New Team Viewer cannot be run as root.
Note :- This Team Viewer is also Using wine as its backend but it never creates problem.
You can open it by following ways.
Open Using Terminal :- Execute Command teamviewer
From GUI :-
Click on Applications -> Internet -> TeamViewer

and where to get the ip and password of the teamviewer to connect to it ?

That's my problem i need to know how to connect it remotely
Do you mean you would like to have a GUI interface on your Linux server? If yes, you have to install VNC server on your linux server and VNC viewer on your local machine to connect to the graphical interface of the server.
Do you mean you would like to have a GUI interface on your Linux server? If yes, you have to install VNC server on your linux server and VNC viewer on your local machine to connect to the graphical interface of the server.

No i dont want VNC i want teamviewer i tried VNC didn't work for me:facepalm:
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