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Active Member
Hello Everyone,

I saw the Java Programming thread by iSmart and Seminars and Training thread by To0 and want to suggest a similar idea to all native english speakers.

Well there are a lot of non english speakers in WJ and even though they are good in Written English, most of them will not be able to speak english like a native english speaker.

Although written english can be improved by reading Grammar books etc. Spoken english cannot be improved just by reading any books. It can only be improved by speaking with a native English Speaker.

And I'm sure that every non english speaker will be happy to have their spoken english just like a native english speaker.

There are a lot of sites which provide this kind of learning spoken english but they are costly and most of them won't work well.

So the idea is simple. The native english speaker should talk with a non native english speaker for some time daily and they also should correct the mistakes made by the non-native english speaker. You can do it for free if you wish or you can charge the person accordingly. The talk can be made through Instant Messengers.

I know this is not a webmaster kind of stuff but this is just a suggestion.
Sounds interesting but I don't think WJ is the right forum to offer this service sadly. Don't think many people here will invest in it.
Plenty of English immersion courses available around the world. An online version though? Who here would be willing to pay? Seems most non-English speakers are from countries, and I don't mean this in any offensive way, less well-off than those of the English speakers. It is unlikely the 'natives' will be willing to give up so much time for the amount of money, if any, affordable by the non-natives.

Volunteer system might work if natives are not motivated by money. Or possibly group (conference calls) conversations whereby the group of non-natives pool their money?

But again, plenty of courses online and off. Not sure this is the best place for English language course promotions. Java/PHP or any other programming language, sure!
I'm a native English speaker (Born in the UK) and I would love to help out. I'm not really worried about being paid for it.

lolz u cant really make it forcibly learn. people have to learn naturally. plenty of stuffs online they can browse and even spell clip gives the actual pronunciation for every word. Rather we'd put together some stuffs interested ones can browse and keep updated like couple of audio lessons perhaps.
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