deleted my videos data without any Notifications.

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Active Member
20 deleted All my Videos Data without any notification.

Yes. I used GKplugin. But I never request any Payout(I asked them to clear the Account balance). And I displayed their CPM ads (50K~80K Visitors everyday in that times.) on my site when I began to embed the Videos(Since 01/April/2014).

In May. All of my videos not work. All showed up "Server not found" . Then I lost 20,000 Visitors in this Month.

Because there're over 1 thousand Emails or Message on my site for Complaint.

I tried to sent PM and Email to asked them for Help.

But no answer.. So. I want moved all my videos to VideoMega.TV( 24/7 support Online,High quality Customer Support) on 01/June/2014.(But there're 5,000 Videos. I only can moved 50~80 Videos everyday.)

But I still displayed their CPM ADS until 01/July/2014. Because Google Removed my Indexed. Then I removed the all CPM ADS

They Sent me PM on 03/July/2014.

Hello. We have upgraded our servers, added mobile support, and gotten rid of most errors.

I notice you removed the popunder?

That's funny. I just checked my Email today. Only few days later. They deleted all my videos. I know the Host Provider can deleted your account without any notification when you violated their TOS.

But we talked this problem before. They promised that the Videos never be deleted.

At least give me few days to move my data.

Here are questions:

When I sent you PMs and Emails for help. Why I didn't get any replied????

Why you can found your CPM ADS has been Removed after few days???
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Hello. Using GKPlugins is against our terms of service, as it is a third party player and removes ads.

We asked you to add a popunder in order to cover bandwidth costs, which was removed on the 1st of July. Sent you a pm on the 2nd, and didn't receive a response.

Videos were removed on the 5th.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but we can't host Terabytes of your files without any ads being shown.
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I asked for help when I sent you PMs and Email.
But why you didn't replay?
Then I removed ads.
Why you can found it as far as you can?
Because you don't care about my issues.

Did you ask me what happened ?
About GKPlugin:
We had deal with it. Right?
I have been wait for your help almost 2 months.
But no answer?
Then I just removed your ads few days because Google SEO( this case happened bedore. Right?).
Why I didn't removed your ads on 01/June /2014? Because I m still using your Host.

3400 Video data lost.
Just say "sorry".

What do you feel if somebody delete your website data?
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