Stick with 1 big forum or upload to multiple small ones ? share and discuss ;)

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Active Member
is it good to stick with 1 big forum or upload to multiple small ones ? :D

im still a beginner to uploading... need pro advice from wj members.. thanks (y)
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Why not just upload to all the forums that you know?

Why would you chose either 1 big forum or many small ones?

The best would be if you invest in a small site of your own. This way you'll have your own traffic and people can come to your site when they want more stuff. It'll also be easier to sell premium when you have your own site.

Create a website and dedicate yourself to it . nothing can remotely compare to owning a website with big traffic.

instead of dividing your time trying to to post to every single forum as well as creating your own website, solely dedicate your time to your blog and focus on it. do the SEO properly from day 1, promote it on torrent site by adding it to Description, LE with other sites. add it to google webmaster and properly submit each link for indexing and add your sitemap to googl webmaster. update everyday, create packs of popular works. promote it on twitter and FB . last but not least DO NOT GIVE UP QUICK ! you wont see much revenue in the first 3-4 months until gain and spending levels up and after that the time and effort you have put in your blog will start to reward you back more than any posing on any popular forum can ever do ! as your blog grows and ages and gains PR your search result improves drastically and more and mroe traffic comes to you blog.
Remember DO NOT GIvE UP QUICK ! you wont see revenue from day one !

No forum can come close to owning a blog yourself !
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thanks a lot for replying.. i already have a website but its blocked in google thats why i was thinking of uploading to forums until i come up with a new site.. btw im thinking of posting to 1 big forum to save time.. sometimes its totally pointless wasting time on small forums anyway im not sure about it maybe some small forums might get indexed in google faster.. at the same time links will be deleted soon as well ;)
posting on small forums its a waste of time , i had over 50 small forums on adult and i received 10-30 downloads per day
posting on small forums its a waste of time , i had over 50 small forums on adult and i received 10-30 downloads per day
10-30 only from small forums.. ? then how many downloads are you getting from big forums ?
some big forums/blogs give you 100 Downloads daily after posting.... Medium blogs/forum give you 25-60 downloads per day... Remember: big forum/blog give you 100 downloads per day but if admin allowed to make dupe posts, then you downloads decreased, whatever it is big or not... Thus as luches told make private blog/forum and get more earn...
Post some unique stuff. If you're just posting some regular shit that you've got from elsewhere and everybody and their brother is also posting it, then there's no wonder almost nobody downloads from you.
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