Selling Spamfinity is Velocity + Diversity + Social Signals = Ranking!

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After selling over 500 orders of Game Changer Spam we’ve raised the bar higher to bring you Spamfinity. When we launched Game Changer Spam we knew we would have to bring something stronger and more powerful to the table. We tested extensively for over four months and we are here to bring the newest member to our spam family. Add a 72 hour dripfeed of social signals and you're good to go!

What makes Spamfinity Different? Spamfinity is used to remind users that spam is something that you need to be doing continuously, adding links, replacing lost links, as well as diversifying your anchor profile. We’ve taken the strongest elements of our infamous Authority Spam package and turbocharged it. Our project management system sends you notifications upon ordering, starting of your campaign, as well as when it is complete. Upon completion give 72 hours for full effect of Spamfinity.

What am I getting? You’re getting a perfect 4,000-6,000 link cocktail of contextuals and other “strong platforms” mixed with a 72 hour drip of social signals! That's 50 Facebook Likes, 50 Facebook Shares, 50 Pinterest Repins, and 50 Twitter Retweets. Our mixture has been showing massive ranking gains and stability even with link loss. We still suggest adding more links every 5-6 weeks, but that is entirely up to you.

Strategies for Spamfinity:

Strategy 1: Is for all of you big brand ballers who are trying to keep that money site clean. Target 5-10 Tier 1 links that you've already built or built specifically for spamfinity. This works very well with micro sites/pumper sites and gives them the perfect tier 2 of strong link juice and good movement.

Strategy 2: Is for those of you looking to start ranking parasites for local lead generation and reputation management. I suggest ordering spamfinity alongside social signals which has helped me rank parasites for the past 6 months.

Strategy 3: Is perfect for any churn and burn project that hasn’t started yet or has died out. I’ve been bringing old spam project back to life with spamfinity and its diversity. Send this directly at the money site or to a 301. You can load it up and wait or 301 immediately I haven’t seen any negatives regardless.

Strategy 4: Is what I’ve been playing with the most lately. If you have a strong authority domain then this should be your plan. Pick an internal page and let this package absolutely nuke it. We’ve been ranking incredibly quickly and it is all thanks to this spamming an internal page of a strong root domain. Isolating any future penalties to the internal page and adding obvious relevance.

Strategy 5: Should be used when you are buying a SAPE service only – we don’t want to be killing PBN’s now do we? If you have purchased SAPE from Seolutions or Daniyal then you know the quality that each of them brings. SAPE links tend to lay dormant with existing link profiles that are losing links just like any other website. Give them a tier 2 of this and see for yourself the power of Tier 2 to SAPE.





Coupon code: JULY

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