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Active Member
There seems to be something strange happening with my site on HF downloads and I don't know why its happening. Here is the scenario.

If i submit on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday my submissions are added to the queue. Now if I submit on Saturday, Sunday and Monday my submits are not added to the queue. Weird?

This seems to be happening week after week. What could be the problem guys? Any thoughts? I mean on specific days I can submit and on some days I cannot. I'm kinda confused. Never faced such a scenario before. :(
I don't think such problem happens to any other site, neither anyone else has reported such problem.So perhaps its a problem at your end :S. Still if you have some screenshots of any error etc,please PM me and i'll get to it asap.
Web I do not get any error mate. Normally after submitting we come back to the submit page and it says in green "Downloads submitted successfully". But in this case when I come back to the submit page I do not get this text.

The thing I don't understand is only on 3 specific days nothing is added to the queue.
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