Something that bugs me.

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Active Member
I hate it when people give the impression that they are a "company" or that they are a group of people to get more sales or for whatever other reason.

"We provide the best rapidleech services!" - FFS, it's not "we" if you're only one no0b ass kid masturbating while selling RL. It's so obvious that they're not a company, they're not a group of people and yet they still think it's the right thing to say.

So. Stop saying it. no0bs. (RL example was just that; an example. I am not accusing anybody directly even though I could.)
I gotta agree with you there. A company should be registered, and i'm pretty sure you aren't gonna register a company that hosts illegal content.
Yes that is ok Hatefed but I'm talking about the usage of "we" when somebody is trying to sell something.
We agree with what your saying. :)

It is to get more sales or not to lead on how many actually are working for a certain site. It really depends on the situation. :D
From where I came from, saying "we" for a singular subject of "I" is common and meant to respect the respondent, It's purely harmless, well... at least in my country, dont know with others.

PS: I don't sell RL B-)
"WE" doesn't mean to be a "company" !!!
as rocke says its just matter of respect, agree with the fact that some kids thing they are some kind of fast-server-owners-who-help-warez-stay-alive ;)
I don't see why it would bother you.
if "the company"(they) have a good service then they deserve more sales(more profit).
Saying "WE" and not "I" is to win the trust of the client(reader) nothing more I think.
Ok when you say :
"I provide RL for some $$$" What would be the client reaction to this.
First u said "I" this means it's only you working on this "company" means less support and less time online."And if this one person dissapear what will I do?? I gave him money and didn't get anything!!!(leads to a scam oppertuninty)"
Second is the credibility when it's only one person working on a hosting company (RL...) the client(reader)will just won't be convinced that he can trust this one person.
It's more a psychological metter to persuade the client to trust you and buy.
I know most of the sellers here won't be thinking about it this way cause it's common and more intuitive to say "we" when it comes to "a company".
It's fine to say "we" when you are obviously an established company and/or are a group of people working but it's definitely not fine to say "we" when you're only one person trying to pull off the "we're a company" act. You are basically suggesting that it's fine to do so if it'll lead to better sales and more trust but the truth is, it'll only seem like it's just that when it really isn't.

Point is, don't say it doesn't apply to you. It makes you actually lose potential customers if they catch on to your "act".
I know it may be a trick used but u can't get buisness if you don't "trick" (well not actually trick :p) anyway it's buisness.
machiavelli said :"The end justifies the means"
Ok when you say :
"I provide RL for some $$$" What would be the client reaction to this.
First u said "I" this means it's only you working on this "company" means less support and less time online."And if this one person dissapear what will I do?? I gave him money and didn't get anything!!!(leads to a scam oppertuninty)"

Yeah, so when someone runs it alone, it's "dangerous" as he/she is the only one for support, etc. Therefor it's even worse people saying "We", by that you think they will have good support, but still won't cause it's still one person.
yes exactly but what a seller will think about is profit.So if he's telling the truth about being one person he won't have a good profit and vice versa.
he/She opened a buisness for profit and not for winning ppls hearts.But if he/she wants to continue with his/her buisness he/she needs to recruit more ppl into it's buisness management or work extra time and both solutions will satisfy the client and the owner.
Also getting a partnership in a newly made Hosting company is so hard due to the biggg number of hosting companies these days.

Anyway I'm not trying to defend/offend anyone here it's just like I said it's more natural to say "WE" when you talks about any kind of company/organisation even it's an only one person behind it.
It annoys me too, it's also funny when the same person answers support tickets under different names and it's clearly the owner (who speaks in horrible english and uses very english names like "Tony Smith").
It annoys me too, it's also funny when the same person answers support tickets under different names and it's clearly the owner (who speaks in horrible english and uses very english names like "Tony Smith").

Well said :D
what if u have multiple personalitys? then it would be "we" lol

but seriously i agree with ya,its a lame attempt to make people think they are a bigger company
If you represent a "company" then "we" is the correct word to use instead of "I", even if you work alone in that "company", it's a basic business and economical English lesson.

It opens a hole for abuse and scam intention and purposes, yes, kind of like opening your main gate for a Trojan horse, you wouldn't know if it's real or a decoy at first but you don't have any other option except to live with it,

IMO the best thing to apply in this regard is to "know your foe", weather they say "I" or "We" to represent themselves or a company.
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