Some tips to consider when looking for a new web host

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I would like to share this information which I found from other place with all of you here. Anyway, Hope you find this

information helpful..

- When selecting a web host, make sure the web host has been in business for at least 5 years (size doesn't matter, but how

long the company has been in web hosting does). A good way to check for how long a web hosting company has been in business

is by running a whois on they're domain name.

- Make sure the company you are going with has a phone number. This way if something goes wrong with your web site, you have

an alternate method of contacting the company (other than email or support tickets).

- Last but not least, ask questions! Before you sign-up with a new web host, make sure you contact the company and ask

questions. Then ask your-self the following, were my questions answered in a timely manner? Was the response professional and

courteous? Asking questions will give you a good feel for what you can expect from your potential web host (and limit the

chances of you having a bad experience). In short, don't be shy! It might save you time and money.

With that being said, at the end of the day its all about finding a web host that works for you. Dont take someones word for

it, there are many good companies and there are bad companies. I believe if you follow the above points, you will have a

better chance of finding a web host you can trust and depend on.
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