some questions about paypal

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i want to make a paypal account.
firstly, i don't have a bank account but only credit card.
i will use it to send money and to receive money from the advertisement company.
my questions:
if i receive money can i added it to my credit card (i don't have bank account) ?
and when you register at paypal, there are 3 types of accounts , what is the suitable account for me?
can i register with a country different from my current country?

thank you
1 comment
if i receive money can i added it to my credit card (i don't have bank account) ?
I think so, but i think it costs money to do so.

and when you register at paypal, there are 3 types of accounts , what is the suitable account for me?
Business or premier.

can i register with a country different from my current country?
Yes if you use a vpn, otherwise they might flag it e.g. if you account says you live is in antartica but you keep logging in from india.
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