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Active Member
I am making this thread to resolve some issues which were stated here:

One of the moderator named Jason had contacted me and I had PMed him the details. He asked me to post here. So here are details of the issues:


I dont remember exactly what happened with new_boy now. It is an old case. But I would like to talk and resolve it. You can read there shanit posted that he was refunded. Everyone was refunded. If there was some other case I am not sure about that. You can read there I posted multiple times asking them to contact me about the refund. If there is some confusion I am ready to sort this out.
What seems to me is that for some reason he had escalated it to a paypal claim and paypal after investigating decided not to refund him. So a legal body decided it against him. So in that case there is no scam. But if there are issues, I am ready to sort that out too.

Regarding the case of sniffdog:

Please have a look here:

This guy sniffdog has been bugging me always. I never scammed anyone and I never went into hiding. But he would post all these and sabotage my sales threads. Not once but he has been doing this always. Mods have deleted his posts previously but by then I have lost many probable clients.

The issue with him was never my fault. The details are posted in the thread I mentioned above. But I would like to state it once again.
sniffdog claims a guy took money from him and for a business. He had promised sniffdog something (which i am not sure what). But that deal was made under the table as that business already had partners and this deal was secretly done. Soon that guy sold his share to a 2nd guy. Now after sometime the whole business was sold off. And I had bought some of their clients (the windows clients). The main business was sold to someone else.

Now sniffdog claims he has share in my business.

I had tried to talk and resolve this. But sniffdog never was interested in any resolution of the issue. Finally I had to give up talking to him.

And the biggest issue is that he has no proof nothing. Tell me how can one trust anyone when he doesnt have a proof. But he continues to spoil my reputation here. I have legal business as per the laws of my country. And I know that WJ is a friendly place to do business. So please help me. Let me know if by any effort I can resolve this issue. I am willing to cooperate.

There is a moderator named hawk. I had contacted him for help two or three days back when sniffdog sabotaged my sales. This shows that I am not a scammer as I wanted things to happen in a transparent way under the guidance of the mods here.

Also regarding the claim that I went into hiding:
It was only that I wasnt marketting online so much due to my other engagements. My website and my services were always online and available. I can show you a log of my support tickets to show that I was active with my business.

Let me know about the issues. I hope you understand the running a business is not easy. There are often people whose services were stopped for some valid reason, they might come up claiming me to be a scammer. But you can see I am existing even today after so many years. My customers know how honest my services are. Anyways I am hopeful that justice will be done to me.

And thanks to Jason for helping me.
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I'm pretty sure that this matter can be easily resolved. At least guy is still here, he's not using private WHOIS for his domain, and domain is registered in 2008, he seems like a mature guy, but who knows.

sniffdog, if you have any proofs regarding Rahul's web hosting, please post them. If you can't prove that Rahul is a scammer, I'll have to delete your posts.

Why delete his post? If the person is scamming then he is banned, then when the other person is making false acquisitions then why shouldn't he be banned Jason?
For the last one year sniffdog has been pressing this issue. But he never came up with a proof.

Everyone read this thread:
In this thread kushubham9 agreed to compensate sniffdog if it was proved that sniffodog deserved compensation. But since this thread was locked the issue wasnt resolved. I hope first the issue mentioned in the thread needs to be resolved.

Hawk had cleaned up that thread ( )so there is nothing now.
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Everyone read this thread:
In this thread kushubham9 agreed to compensate sniffdog if it was proved that sniffodog deserved compensation. But since this thread was locked the issue wasnt resolved. I hope first the issue mentioned in the thread needs to be resolved.

If you have the money to run a hosting company then you have the money to pay Sniff the $60 he wants to close this issue once and for all.

As Mr Happy said
"However if kushubham9 resold them then he would have resold the bad dept's as well. It's unclear of what exactly kushubham9 sold as we've only heard from one of the parties involved." and "technically the responsibility is with Rahul of Dhruvahost now." (

The same topic came up regarding a different host (, and i fully agree with happy's points (in fact even though i had not seen happy's post i virtually said the same in the other topic) and i think for the fee of $60 you should just pay him, again you are expecting customers to trust you with your websites, yet once you claimed bankruptcy to clients and now you are refusing to pay $60 they "appears" to be owed becuase they appear to be a partner, and as you brought thebusiness you are technically liablity for the debt, unless agreements where made prior to sale.

As you have claimed Bankruptcy in emails and are now refusing to pay money which appears to legally be owed and would instead rather have your deputation dented becuase of it, i personally doubt how much money you have and if it is enough money to run a legitimate hosting company.

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Where did I say that????? I never said I was bankrupt. I had stated that the funds are coming as they were being transferred. I was only urging everyone to be patient, and I refunded everyone. And from 2008 to 2011 I am still here. If I were scamming then I wouldnt have survived. Just not being much active in WJ doesnt mean I cant be trusted.
I would also like to state that: My business is legal in my country.

Added after 4 minutes:

Paying $30 is not an issue here. But the claim is the issue. I had pm-ed sniffdog several times each time I had stated that I sympathise with him if he was scammed and I would do my best to resolve the case.

I had given him a windows vps then for free. I had tried to resolve the case. But he wasnt satisfied. He disregarded the agreement which we had reached. Proof of it is in the old thread. So tell me where the case stands now?
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Where did I say that?????


If I were scamming then I wouldnt have survived. My business is legal in my country.

Not true, it might be a Long Con, but i never said it was actually a scam, i purley questioned the funds you have behind you, if you are dragging out a $60 payment, i just dont understand why if you are running a Legal Legitimate Business, why have you not refunded money which appears you legally owe, as you technically brought all debt good or bad when you purchased the company/clients.
The case stated here is different. It is regarding a client. This cant be compared with the current case.

Yes i understand its regarding a client and is diffrent, but really the real issue is WJ hosts, the buyer of the "company" and the seller both denying liabity for debt, which is legally purchases when the company was brought unless prior agreement where made.
Well I didnt mean bankrupt that way. I meant my paypal account. My funds were locked. As of now the situation is very stable.

Proof of my legal existence:

...why have you not refunded money which appears you legally owe, as you technically brought all debt good or bad when you purchased the company/clients....

I didnt because it wasnt proved. The issue is being sorted here so.
Well I didnt mean bankrupt that way. I meant my paypal account. My funds were locked. As of now the situation is very stable.
If its stable why do you not just refund his $60 is it really worth your businesses reputation over $60???

Legal Existence, that’s strange what appears to be "the Indian register of companies" has never heard of you.......

Now i may be missing something because i don’t know the Indian company structure but that site seems to be the equivalent of the Uk's company’s house in which cause they have never heard of you, unless you are registered under one name and trading under another, or if you are some kind of unregistered company, like a Sole Trader would be in the Uk.
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I know its difficult to understand the legal things. But you can consult some legal experts of India, in other forums. They can properly explain things to you. I too am not sure about the British Laws so cant comment if they are similar or not.
I know its difficult to understand the legal things. But you can consult some legal experts of India, in other forums. They can properly explain things to you. I too am not sure about the British Laws so cant comment if they are similar or not.

I understand UK Company laws, but i openly admit i dont know much about Indian Company laws and to be honest i have no interest in doing any detailed research into it.

But that mca website seems to be the indian site for registered indian companies and you are not their so on what basis are you a legal company? do you pay Tax in india etc ?

Either way that point is irrelevent and is more of a distraction, maybe you are a legal company in india maybe you are not, all im saying is i have not seem any proof to prove you are actually a legal company as you have claimed.

Anyway i have made my points on this issue, you have answered my comments/questions in a polite manner so i wish you best of luck with your "Company" and hope that this issue is sorted once and for all.
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Well the list mentioned there is of different criteria and I dont fall under them. My business is legal. It isnt a company. I had stated that 'My business is legal in my country'.
India has a friendly law regrading these. There are certain limits which you need to reach when you become a company. Well as I am not a legal expert to comment. I can tell you that my business is legal.

And regarding taxes, i do those formalities too.

And Thank You for your best wishes. It was nice discussing with you. :)
So far, no proof has been provided regarding Rahul, and I'd like to thank to delboy for helping in this case, really appreciated buddy.

If sniffdog comes with some proof he can PM someone from the Staff, otherwise Rahul is not a scammer.

Case closed.
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