Shared SolidNode Networks - Hosting Done /w a Passion

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please merge my post as the edit button is coming on my firefox for some reason here is what the guy said:


I was hosted with SolidNode a long time and I was recommending it to everyone but now I realized I was wrong. ViSiOn/Viz0n is the owner of the company. He is involved with hacking and warez sites. He owns and hacking forums. It's illegal, I already contacted my lawyer and I am going on the court to bring the justice.

Here is what happened. Viz0n claims to be a security expert and he is talking he has secure servers. Maybe he sold this idea to me when I bought the hosting from him/SolidNode but after the SolidNode was getting hacked every months, about 8 times in total, my database was posted on the web together with other databases of sites hosted on SolidNode. was the biggest mistake in my life. I'm ruined and it's there fault.

I discovered they installed a password logger on my forum, they were stealing the passwords of members of my forum. In the past month their server was more down then up. They are not responding to tickets, they are not giving a reason why is the server more down than up. Every time they said "It's Ecatel fault, they had power failures", "No, we didnt get hacked, Ecatel got hacked and they got access to SolidNode and your site via Ecatel". In the past few months according to them Datacenter Ecatel had power failures almost every day.

Let's sum it, what to NOT buy the hosting from them?
1) A hacker is running them
2) They are getting hacked once in a month.
3) They are installing pass logger on your sites hosted with them
4) The server is more down than up
5) Nulled IPB
6) Nulled WHMcs
7) Nulled and outdated version of litespeed http server

First Name: Truvis
Last Name: Thornton
Country: US
State/Region: FL
Phone: 81341612162

i dont belive what the guy is saying true as solidnode is using a legal whcms as i emailed them and whats wrong with using nulled anyways as we all do and we dont know if the db was actually solidnodes as it was deleted plus there is no proof that viz0n was selling the dbs:D
All databases are dumped and posted on a couple of private forums(where I'm the member) together with ipb and whmcs database(with all names, addresses e.t.c of every client of them)


Don't ask anything.
sorry but lmao
haha i LOL at anyone that stays with solidnode after reading this xD

EDIT by Whoo, don't advertise another hosting company in someone else his topic.
Luckily i transfered my site 3-4 days before.. The site was open for two three hours.. I was in my class, so i downloaded the database in my mobile.. Files can be downloaded via ftp, even when the solidnode was down.. So here me as a lucky charm..
First of all, I would like to applogize to each and everyone of the many clients that we host and take pride in hosting.
About a week ago I was on my way home from buying a BlackBerry so that I could better keep in contact with you, our clients, but as I was heading home, I got hit by a drunk driver which put me in the hospital for the past week in a coma. I recently was released and will be working as hard as I possibly can to rebuild the pride that SolidNode once had.
I will have CPanel back up and running by tonight as I just paid the invoice. Due to the the couple 100 of tickets which were sent in over the past week, I had to delete them and will await the next wave of tickets so that I don't waste time with tickets which were self solving.
As for the server issues which have been giving us issues over the past month, they have finally been taken care of and we are once again running stable with a server load of .25 at the max. We will from this point on make note of every change we make regardless of how small so that should an issue happen, we will be able to trace it in a matter of minutes.
Once again sorry, and stay tunned for more updates.
SN back up but is it true?
Why would it not be true dragz?
Don't you just see that SN is doing everything they can to please their clients no matter what.
This gives them even more respect from me. :P
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