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Active Member
Hey Guys,

So I had some problems with my site earlier on this evening, which finally gave me a chance to actually get around to changing near to everything.

I exported the wp_posts in the sql database, deleted all entries, nukes wordpress & reinstalled it, then started configuring it completely different to how I had done it previously, new skin, modified by mwah, different plugings - shit like that.

Anyhow here's the site link:
Props to BarCodeNation for helping me by bouncing ideas off him and voicing his opinion ;)

Edit: Added a logo - opinions of it?

*Loads pretty slow for me
*I think it needs a new theme, your theme basically consist of a background and thats it
*needs logo
Site name is good, not really that I like domains with "warez" in them, but fuck it. It's good because of that "Download".

Template is good, but it could be better. Background image is kinda heavy. And I didn't know that Chester became so gayish in 2-3 years, he was badass before. Content is good so far, but Katz button isn't matching with template, take a darker one if they allow any other button except the blueish one.

I like the navigation, and you could change h1 font to Verdana. Looks better to be honest.

URL structure is very good.

And, I don't like the post body at all. You can't recognize anything, it would be better like this:

Default TV Show / Movie cover.
Quoted plot.
Coded links, but clickable.

Coded only because they look organized in code tags.

That's all I guess, even though I prefer lite themes, this one is great for customizing.

Good luck with the site, bring quality content and not only 2010 stuff.
Loads in milliseconds for me, could be your country/spamhanus looking into your IP a bit more thoroughly? Or your connection is poo ;)

Want the style sheet? I can assure you it does not just "consist of a background"

I know, I might get someone to do that for me - unsure.

Thanks for your constructive input.
I will be changing the post structure for all future posts, and the lost page or 2 - I agree, this structure looks very organised. Yeah it is lacking a bit of content at the moment, but to be fair I haven't put much time into it at all.
I actually like the bg. It's on the dark side but that's not a bad thing sometimes. With the layout of his theme it makes the posts pop out at you and just look like they're floating there instead of just laying there flat and meaningless. I don't care what anyone says man I think it looks good!
Particular reason Santocool?

I am going to add a theme change widget, with a few different backgrounds, as well as themes at some point in the next couple hours, I need to do a ton of SEO related shit first seeing as everythings gone xD
Nice theme..the logo not that much..can do better..

Add the page plugin..remove the older entries and increase the topics in first page to 25.
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