Selling SimpleVideoScript - Video Sharing Site

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SimpleVideoScript is a very simple to use movie trailers website script, which can be powered by anyone. Easily add new videos from any source such as YouTube, and monetize your visitors via the simple administration panel.
SVS boasts features such as:
User Benefits

  • Simple, easy to navigate user friendly design.
  • Watch videos on demand with no problems.
  • Comments System.
  • Ratings System.
  • Much more!
Administration Benefits

  • Easily add, edit & delete videos via the administration panel.
  • Monetize your videos with banners, adsense or CPA (such as CPALead) easily, via the integrated system.
  • SEO friendly features.
  • Easy to use category management.
  • Very easy to deploy and have a site running in minutes!


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Oh not sure why it was displaying errors on mine, I'll check now. Nice one.

Didn't add anything. Just added this to watch.php

<div id="fb-root"></div><script src=""></script><fb:comments href="domain name here" num_posts="5" width="600"></fb:comments>

Edit : Working on WAMP :P

Added a contact page and also DMCA page. Your code is not at all hard to work with and always wanted such base for my work and finally got it. Cheers again dear.

You forgot to change the password field in admin login to password ? It is text lol xD
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Just made a couple of changes available on the demo and to download before I go, such as making the window closable and showing the videos from the cattegory within watch.php.


E.g there's only one video under 'lost' cattegory, so it shows one when it's opened. If you open underworld however, there's several videos under 'movie trailers' so it shows several.
Im edit the Fb coment box

<div id="fb-root"></div><script src=""></script><fb:comments href="http://your_url/videos/watch.php?id=<? echo $video_id ?>" num_posts="5" width="500"></fb:comments>

Its Works ;)
Just made a couple of changes available on the demo and to download before I go, such as making the window closable and showing the videos from the cattegory within watch.php.


E.g there's only one video under 'lost' cattegory, so it shows one when it's opened. If you open underworld however, there's several videos under 'movie trailers' so it shows several.

That is a nice work on there. Needed, much needed.

I just figured out that the comments system I added isn't the right way to do because the same appears on all videos :p Fixing it now however xD

Exactly as JoanManuelH, fixed it already :)
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Hey i like your script i also started one to but i like getting new ideas :)..

Just wanted to say i seen your script.. And the way you have it coded its pretty packed up but the issue is since your leaving the admin login in plain text your leaveing your script open for a attack.. A easy perl script to manipulate the $_post can be coded to real what is defined in your config file..
The database is broken :s
The current version needs the database upgrade to work, but I think overwriting your current database will also mess up your current fields. So I think I'll need to find a solution to update the structure only which I will soon. For now though, all you have to do is:

Create a table visitor_views
With id, hostname, visited_id, and date fields.

Update videos
Adda 'views' field to the videos database.

I'll try and create an auto update tomorrow, 5:24 am here.

Hey i like your script i also started one to but i like getting new ideas :)..

Just wanted to say i seen your script.. And the way you have it coded its pretty packed up but the issue is since your leaving the admin login in plain text your leaveing your script open for a attack.. A easy perl script to manipulate the $_post can be coded to real what is defined in your config file..

Thanks for the warning, I thought there would be security issues so I'm glad someone has brought them up so I can try and work on them. Would storing the username and password inside the database prevent this?

(Or do you mean I should escape the username/password variables?)

No problem. Just mention the changed files in the next release please :)

Ok will do!
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Depending on how well you code your mysql queries.. Then anyone can easily find a vaulnerable spot and have mysql spit out the info..

Best thing to do is get into storeing and encrypting the password..

Even encrypting the password and saveing it in a php file would work u just would need to be able to have it decode it with premade encryption style of your own..
Ok cool thanks, I'll add the encryption tomorrow, appreciate it.

One more thing, the watch.php needs jquery within the header, will be in next upload:

- <script src=""></script>
- (Also removed the 1 2 3 from the pages div inside watch.php for anyone editing it themselves)
:P Nice, I'm off now, some things I plan on adding tomorrow:

1. The encrypted user/pw.

2. Maybe tidy up the watch.php underneath box, and add a share widget similar to fdls4all's.

3. Some changes to the nivoslider gallery, such as making it slower or run once.

Thanks all, laters.
I only had time for a couple of updates today, I logged most of them here but there might be a couple of changes from before I started logging.


- The inner frame for the watch.php videos (on bottom of screen if widgets on) now orders by ID and doesn't include the current video. Watch.php line 56:

$cattegory_result = mysql_query("SELECT * from videos where cattegory = '$curcat' AND id != '$video_id' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 8");
- Created a update.sql to update for the time being. (Change bonken_demo to your database)

- Changed input password to type password on admin_login.php

- Line 509 of admin.php changed the first option too
<option value="' . $row["cattegory"] . '" selected="selected">Currently ' . $row["cattegory"] . '</option>

- Fixed showing pages that don't exist when restrict_status is on. Effected index.php. Line changed: $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM videos";

if ($restrict_status == "On") { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM videos where cattegory = '$restrict_domain'"; } else { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM videos"; }
Can't see the changes much on the demo as I used my friends version which has more content on it too check the changes, but they're there!

(A small note for the thumb nails, 200px width by 150px height makes them look better, you can search for this exact size through google images and changing the size to "exactly" and specifying those dimensions.)

Thanks all.
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