Up to $30 per 1000 downloads and 50% PPS (All countries paid!)

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Not looking good - really the details just tell the story. I was shocked at the number of paid users - would have thought it would be 10x as many at least.
I sense a sad end coming, and it will probably be the end for me too as I can't find the time or inclination to move host again and re-link many hundreds of files.

Also I would have thought (and been wrong, obviously) that simple courtesy would have brought Mubin to at least make some sort of announcement, but oh well.
all server the same fate,there is none that achieved last to become famous as fileserve-filesonic,imagine that a lot of money for that ...

Not looking good - really the details just tell the story. I was shocked at the number of paid users - would have thought it would be 10x as many at least.
I sense a sad end coming, and it will probably be the end for me too as I can't find the time or inclination to move host again and re-link many hundreds of files.

Also I would have thought (and been wrong, obviously) that simple courtesy would have brought Mubin to at least make some sort of announcement, but oh well.

I think no one gonna buy this file hosting,because it's new and it is not well known
I think it's time to start looking for a backup host but honestly I just don't know of any file locker that's worth the time and effort.
I've just been trying out thaddle - it looks good and is offshore, however it is actually terrible. Nothing seems to work and although they have an affiliate prog there doesn't seem to be any way to join it or get paid even if you could upload a file, which you can't. Site is a real mess plus although they do premium accounts I can't see any way to buy one. It's built on joomla lol.
It's a real shame about sharpfile, though probably not that unexpected I guess - people just don't want to buy (longer) premiums anymore 'cos they're fed up of losing their cash when the host vanishes. All but 1 of my sales have been the 4.99 option, and the 1 other was a 9.99, and it's been well over a week since I had a sale at all despite new content and promotion (I normally (used to) make sales daily).
I checked the premium download speed earlier and got between 35-50kbps, so people ain't going to be renewing premiums either if that's the speed their getting.

Don't know what else to say - it's all a bit sad really ):

EDIT: RU is down AGAIN !
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yeha there's been no sign of mubin (or anyone for that matter) for the best part of a week now - seems like he's lost interest except for selling sharpfile to someone else. He's also offering to set up more file hosts for anyone that want's one (for a fee), so it's kinda obvious he's going down a different route.
I'm just wondering if we are going to be paid - I doubt it but I would like to be wrong. As for signing up and starting with sharpfile right now - well that would be a braver man than me lol, but I will say that as filehosts go sharpfile ain't the worst by a good margin.
do u check recent pages?
not only me dont recieve payment,he dont reply recently,and ignore anything about payment
So how long have you been waiting since you put in the payment request ? I can see from your previous posts it must be quite a while now.
I'm just trying to work out if it's worth me selling any more premiums for sharpfile - if he's not going to pay then it's just a waste of time and effort, plus I don't want my visitors to be buying premiums that won't be any use soon.
pm has been a week,no payment
maybe someone think he is busy or someone think he forget to pay,but now i think he is running away
I've just been looking at the auction page for sharpfile on flippa (see my previous post for link) and someone there is obviously following this thread. Still has 3 days and a bit left to go.
Has anyone seen mubin's avatar on flippa ? seriously you couldn't make it up if you tried ...

That's not a joke - that really is his avatar !

Yeha that's not looking good - cheers for sharing that.
Yes guys, still here.

Im going to pay everyone before the site gets sold and as far as I am aware everyone is up to date.

Mordokch, I will personally pay you from my own paypal account even if the new owner does not.

I have cultivated an online relationship for the past 10 years, and I am not about to ruin it over 1 site. I have sold over 500 sites since I have been working online.

Sxtykx, your payment has not been approved because most of your sales were fraudulent. Thanks to people like you file hosts lose their paypal accounts.

Tl;Dr: Mubin is a good guy who has and will pay everyone!
Hi mubin,

Please check it :

Error: Can't start torrent (500 Can't connect to (connect: Connection refused) )

And what's the next payday ?

Thanks in advance for your answer.
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