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look at the difference between today and yesterday and tell me that you didnt change anything

@ bigheadrell2

i'll say one more's faulty/aborted/incomplete downloads..... go to your files, click on a file (without download it)....go to your files....dl +1

so total $ is correct
Please guys look this , my earnings with old script.


Please guys look the extreme difference with my earnings in the new script


no it's not. PPD rates are lowered!

PPD rates ARE NOT lowered and I am sick of hearing that..If you dont think we are honest then LEAVE go to another file host. I am sick and tired of hearing that we cheating or scamming.. I am probably one of the most honest file host owners you will ever see. I also pay you guys 7 days a week within 24 hours for money that takes me 90-120 days to receive.. I have even loaned money to a couple affiliates to try to help them personally, Then I even paid 3K the other day in money that was found from wayy back before I purchased site and the old datsbases had not given it to the affiliates so I paid it!!!!!!!!!

From the coder
yes, stats are fine. the reason users are seeing a drop in revenue is because of the bug i fixed and reported to you saturday. The relating to user's files under 10MB not being counted correctly. looking back at the old/unfixed code i can see the adverse effect of this was that any user's file that was under 10MB was actually being set to the highest size-tier if a 10MB file from the United States was downloaded--this bug was fixed on Saturday, therefore, for the days after that, the graph shows the correct/lower revenue...if you'd like I can delete all the records for the 11th so users do not get confused by the numbers.
so before Saturday when this bug was fixed I was paying people TOO much money.. The stats were messed up because of bug and so you guys were being paid more than you were supposed to, BUT did I ask you for that money back ??

Also our site has been under HEAVY DDOS and dictionary attacks with over 40 Million hits already, but did our site go down completely, NO!! We did our best and continue to do our best.

Now some of you I understand your upset and have VERY legit reasons to be mad, because of slowness of servers past few days while we been under attack and that's also why i have even got more servers and we are waiting on them to be brought online...

Also, on referral's NOT sales BUT referral's, you will see the 5% you get of thier earnings UNTIL AFTER they have made then payout request and its approved, at that time is when the referral money is added to your account.

Also, we have another support person Sharpfile-3 that will be joining in this thread and helping with support BECAUSE we are not going anywhere and only expect to grow larger and get better as time goes by, so you can stay with us or leave, but my goal is to have our affiliate's the best paid affiliates in this industry and offer the best experience possible for users, but this takes time....

Also, if anyone here would like to make out a detailed list of bugs or problems and upgrades they would like to see and EMAIL it to we have ,many coders on duty this week to repair all bugs and also make upgrades and changes to Sharpfile, and we like to listen to your suggestions..

Now I ma m going to eat dinner, I am starving.......
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i have just connected to my VPN service with US and UK ip addresses and tested few files larger than 1GB
as a result my stats showed 0.026 per download and 0.026x1000 = 26$ not 35$

now i can assume it's the same thing with other file sizes and this explains drops in earnings since yesterday.
you say the coder fix some bugs but seems like there are some new occured. and btw i have not accused you for cheating and scamming. YET. ;)

We have moved the Country France to Group A from B

We have moved Country ITALY to Group A from B

We have moved Russia to Group B from C

We are looking at others also and trying to move other countries up when we can
PPD rates ARE NOT lowered and I am sick of hearing that..If you dont think we are honest then LEAVE go to another file host. I am sick and tired of hearing that we cheating or scamming.. I am probably one of the most honest file host owners you will ever see. I also pay you guys 7 days a week within 24 hours for money that takes me 90-120 days to receive.. I have even loaned money to a couple affiliates to try to help them personally, Then I even paid 3K the other day in money that was found from wayy back before I purchased site and the old datsbases had not given it to the affiliates so I paid it!!!!!!!!!

From the coder
so before Saturday when this bug was fixed I was paying people TOO much money.. The stats were messed up because of bug and so you guys were being paid more than you were supposed to, BUT did I ask you for that money back ??

Also our site has been under HEAVY DDOS and dictionary attacks with over 40 Million hits already, but did our site go down completely, NO!! We did our best and continue to do our best.

Now some of you I understand your upset and have VERY legit reasons to be mad, because of slowness of servers past few days while we been under attack and that's also why i have even got more servers and we are waiting on them to be brought online...

Also, on referral's NOT sales BUT referral's, you will see the 5% you get of thier earnings UNTIL AFTER they have made then payout request and its approved, at that time is when the referral money is added to your account.

Also, we have another support person Sharpfile-3 that will be joining in this thread and helping with support BECAUSE we are not going anywhere and only expect to grow larger and get better as time goes by, so you can stay with us or leave, but my goal is to have our affiliate's the best paid affiliates in this industry and offer the best experience possible for users, but this takes time....

Also, if anyone here would like to make out a detailed list of bugs or problems and upgrades they would like to see and EMAIL it to we have ,many coders on duty this week to repair all bugs and also make upgrades and changes to Sharpfile, and we like to listen to your suggestions..

Now I ma m going to eat dinner, I am starving.......

To be honest guys this is the best support ever seen even filesonic and marco havn't support us like that, god with you bru hope the good times come<3
Please guys wait more days and sharpfile stabizated this bugs and errors,calm down...

Earning drecreased,but one reason is no JD support,maybe the next week with links online is better for all...
today will be a busy day for me, i'm going to boost my uploads and bring more content more than the usual, my usual daily upload routine brings me some 2-3 sales a day guarantied, i will make it 3x more now. let's see if there still a glitch in the stat.
i have just connected to my VPN service with US and UK ip addresses and tested few files larger than 1GB
as a result my stats showed 0.026 per download and 0.026x1000 = 26$ not 35$

now i can assume it's the same thing with other file sizes and this explains drops in earnings since yesterday.
you say the coder fix some bugs but seems like there are some new occured. and btw i have not accused you for cheating and scamming. YET. ;)

very correct protocold . even i saw this thing in detailed stats and i also reported this bug to sharpfile to fix it and update the stats as per it .And people saying they r cheating have some kind of problem bz after a long time i have seen someone so honest here with their affliciates .
7 downloads and only a penny

why are u keep posting about the same thing all over again..just test download the files on your u will know what the status means...i even get 0.014 from 20 downloads and im not's not like people download 20 times!!there is a several reason why it happens.

1. they cancel the download (not complete)
2. the internet connection are messed up and they resume the download ( download count incresed but the income not increased)
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