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Please sharpfile tell me when the issue of stats will be solved.Thanks for the great support , i love you guys but i'm very disappointed,because with the old script i get more than 4.500 downloads daily but now i get only 100 downloads.

Please email me your username for sharpfile, we can NOT find an error for this ? But I am determined to find this and help you asap :)
I found the problem of marginal gains.
Jdownloader and many other similar programs, detects the offline link sharpfile instead are online! Here's the problem :)
@admin Please enable daily stats like before where we can see how much downloads/sale made and money earned

Sharpfile-2 @ how can i see reports for a specific day suppose i wanna see for today . how can i see tat ?

Your reports page is for today only (at the moment) - after that the stats are added to your total and a new day starts on your reports page. I am aware that some people would like the old graph back like it was before - I have already put that request in and hopefully it will soon be available in addition to what is already there :sun:
Its all because the downloader are unable to detect the links anymore... as script changed... ask the downloader prog devs....or would be better if sharpfile ask them.. and it would be helpfull for someone to put a list of downloader like jdownloader which are not working
Can't download

Been trying to download random files, and every single time it states that the page is unavailable, try again later. I can't even download a PDF test file that I uploaded?

Why would anyone buy an account, if when they try the free or registered account, it never downloads?
Here its working


Even download


use a program called ccleaner and clean ur cache/temp file using tht...

PS: close ur browser before using ccleaner
Have tried with Chrome, Safari and Firefox. Rebooted my Mac, and my router, same result.

Amusingly I've now earned $0.01, and I can't even download a file that I uploaded. :D
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