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No changes today ...

I have always nothing on my paypal account. I know you are the new owner and it's a problem with mubin ... but my money is always suspended ...

Please contact mubin or give me a solution.

I have another question :

Before i won :2012-07-01 1094 / $9.141

now i win : 2012-07-12 757 / $2.272

Whats the problem actually ?

Thanks in advance for your answers

No changes today ...

I have always nothing on my paypal account. I know you are the new owner and it's a problem with mubin ... but my money is always suspended ...

Please contact mubin or give me a solution.

I have another question :

Before i won :2012-07-01 1094 / $9.141

now i win : 2012-07-12 757 / $2.272

Whats the problem actually ?

Thanks in advance for your answers

I will NOT answer your personal payments in public, many many times I have said to email with problems with your payment from old site.

As for the Statistics, as I mentioned before, we had some problems with the stats when we added more servers, so the stats were not recorded corerctly for 2 days, so we are going to take your last week's average earnings and add that to your account this week, to help make up for the stats not recording correctly :)

Also, as far you saying "No changes today" well I am new owner and anyone that is owed money since I took over the site was paid on Tuesday and will be paid again next Tuesday. And mubin is working with me to pay everyone that WAS owed money from him.. BUT when Paypal puts hold on your payment but does not reverse the payment then Paypal has the money, and may still release it to you, we can NOT pay you again until Paypal reverses the payment, or you will end up being paid 2 times
tuyo,ur rate is high than us
mine:2012-07-12 165 / $0.229 0 / $0 $0 $0.229

We have just made some changes to the way downloads are tracked - hopefully you should see an increase in earnings as a result of this, but it's experimental so please do let us know if it's working.
We really are honestly trying to sort everything out as quickly as possible, but as I said before it will take a little time. Please do let us know if something's not right - we will always look into any problem you report :sun:

@Tuyo ... have you actually contacted paypal to see what the problem is ? I suspect they will hold the payment for a set time, then release it - ask them how long it will be and that might help ease your doubts (I hope !)
Yesterday I start share files. OK it's a little earn.
But Today I get a lot of Download, Why my status show like this???

img.php, Pls reply my question too. :):)
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I will NOT answer your personal payments in public, many many times I have said to email with problems with your payment from old site.

As for the Statistics, as I mentioned before, we had some problems with the stats when we added more servers, so the stats were not recorded corerctly for 2 days, so we are going to take your last week's average earnings and add that to your account this week, to help make up for the stats not recording correctly :)

Also, as far you saying "No changes today" well I am new owner and anyone that is owed money since I took over the site was paid on Tuesday and will be paid again next Tuesday. And mubin is working with me to pay everyone that WAS owed money from him.. BUT when Paypal puts hold on your payment but does not reverse the payment then Paypal has the money, and may still release it to you, we can NOT pay you again until Paypal reverses the payment, or you will end up being paid 2 times

Hi Sciborg,

I have already mailed you but you don't answers.

On a previous mail (10th july) you said ..

"Please let me know tomorrow if any changes and we will take it from there."

I 'm waiting ...

---------- Post added at 05:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:39 PM ----------

We have just made some changes to the way downloads are tracked - hopefully you should see an increase in earnings as a result of this, but it's experimental so please do let us know if it's working.
We really are honestly trying to sort everything out as quickly as possible, but as I said before it will take a little time. Please do let us know if something's not right - we will always look into any problem you report :sun:

@Tuyo ... have you actually contacted paypal to see what the problem is ? I suspect they will hold the payment for a set time, then release it - ask them how long it will be and that might help ease your doubts (I hope !)

I have contacted paypal but they don't answer ... Since 9 days today, my and your money is hold :(
please reply my email..already mail to you...about my status got paid but i still don't received that money

You were replied to by email. You were paid by previous owner and paypal also had your money on hold, but until Paypal reverses that payment or releases it to you, there is nothing we can do. We are NOT Paypal. If Paypal has your money on hold, then please contact Paypal..

Anyone that earned money with old owner,but Paypal has money on hold, there is NOTHING we can do till Paypal does something first.

Anyone that earned money with new owner(me) has and will continue to be paid.

Also, we have new affiliate tools coming to help the affiliates make money.
We have alot of GREAT things coming that will be announced once site is 100% ready and we open an official thread here at WJ
thanks for ur hard work,but at my side,the rate it still very low

2012-07-12 276 / $0.4855 0 / $0 $0 $0.4855 2012-07-13 100 / $0.3225 0 / $0 $0 $0.3225

total recently 992 / $1.8265 0 / $0 $0 $1.8265

hope u can solve it in time,then i can keep working on my website
Date Downloads Premium Sales Referrals Total
2012-07-11 56 / $0.202 0 / $0 $0 $0.202
2012-07-12 1352 / $0.88 0 / $0 $0 $0.88
2012-07-13 514 / $0.345 0 / $0 $0 $0.345
1922 / $1.427 0 / $0 $0 $1.427

Download 1000+ receive only $0.88.:facepalm::facepalm:
Pls check it. My username : up4you
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