- Three type partnership programs, $33/1000 downloads, 60% on Sales

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So if I make 100$ sales from my 200-400 downloads a day, even if I am platinum, your system will NEVER compensate me... So why do I have to compensate your system then if you are potentially not going to compensate me when I bring you the sales you want? That's what I want to learn?

You have to give some poor coins to the uploaders to push them to work harder, when you give them 0$/1000 you are chasing them away from your service... This is a very good hosting company otherwise, so I just don't understand why you don't understand that X-(

As I speak to you here, I made another sale it seems and tomorrow I will be plumbum... Wow, it's getting hot!!

And please don't call me bro, the men/boys who write here can't even make 1 normal sentence and they don't read as far as the previous page and ask the same childish questions again and again... So, obviously I am a woman. :facepalm:
Few pages ago you ask me

"How can I change to PPS, I would have earned the same money if I was on 60%"

Now, i hope you don't want to switch tarif to it.
I hope you understand - Now you earn 70%

I asked the other shareflare support, not you... I still don't know who you are, are you official or not?! And of course I want to switch, did you even read what I said just above? :facepalm: If I happen to make expensive sales regularly, then your system will never compensate me, it is designed to only compensate you but not the uploader.
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Share-flare employee of our company. It can also respond to all questions. I ask for support WJ unlock it.
If You happen to make expensive sales regularly, you can work at tariff 60% from sales(but you'll need to register a new account with other tariff) . But now in tariff "Normal" you get 70% of sales.
We are sorry but all credit card payments are temporarily disabled
please refer to another payment method from the top menu
You can support the sales through creditcard.
My client, or use their creditcard to buy Premium account
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This file host sucks !!!. If a file received many hit/sale they will delete that file no matter what's that file.

I uploaded an txt file and put that link in my website to user who want to help me can buy from that link. Then guess what, after 3-4 days they deleted that file. I tried 2 times and the same happened.

Can you send me link on this file ?
I will check what happens. Cause it's really unlogical to delete small good file.

My ID is 18112731

I don't keep that link anymore because after that file was deleted I removed that link from my site. So if you can, please check my account for file was deleted name "Help". I already re-upload this file so you might find 2 files on my account (1 deleted, 1 active)

Thank you.
My ID is 18112731

I don't keep that link anymore because after that file was deleted I removed that link from my site. So if you can, please check my account for file was deleted name "Help". I already re-upload this file so you might find 2 files on my account (1 deleted, 1 active)

Thank you.

On your file came abuse from
I'll explain one more time, we removed this file because it came complaint from

Why can they complain about a text file which I only placed on my own website ( It's not logical. If they already complained about that file, you still may not delete a personal file which IS NOT break any rules. :facepalm:
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