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Heey all :))

I come Here to presents a little project of me :p

So please i would love to have some
suggestion and idee about how to improve my porn-site
also i need help to have some visitore cause i can't get above 2000views per day :S

Added after 2 Days 6 Hours:

Up any suggestion !! :whistling:​
Last edited:

Heey all :))

I come Here to presents a little project of me :p

So please i would love to have some
suggestion and idee about how to improve my porn-site
also i need help to have some visitore cause i can't get above 2000views per day :S

Added after 2 Days 6 Hours:

Up any suggestion !! :whistling:​

over all not bad, a little confusing to me but not too bad.
couple things maybe, I like if image linked to image/video file/player or if visible link directly under image easy to find.
Some picture under main image link to some site named picsee? sort of looks like a photobucket account, not sure whats going on there.
Is it possible with that theme to make categories on posts pages sames as drop down instead of that looong list? (Use space for better adds like maybe live video chats etc.)
Also maybe if you could do with out the all the tags list, it just kinda looks cluter to me.
I am kinda new at all this my self so don't take too much to heart on my word though. Just opinion.
Keep everything easy to find, easy to view.
If your getting 2k unique a day though its off to good start, you have plugrush on there? you be making some change already
over all not bad, a little confusing to me but not too bad.
couple things maybe, I like if image linked to image/video file/player or if visible link directly under image easy to find.
Some picture under main image link to some site named picsee? sort of looks like a photobucket account, not sure whats going on there.
Is it possible with that theme to make categories on posts pages sames as drop down instead of that looong list? (Use space for better adds like maybe live video chats etc.)
Also maybe if you could do with out the all the tags list, it just kinda looks cluter to me.
I am kinda new at all this my self so don't take too much to heart on my word though. Just opinion.
Keep everything easy to find, easy to view.
If your getting 2k unique a day though its off to good start, you have plugrush on there? you be making some change already

Hey dear i do realy realy appreciate your opinion it's very helpful , but please would u explain me what do you mean with "I like if image linked to image/video file/player or if visible link directly under image easy to find."
About picsee is the best adult images hosting at the moment and i can't use photobucket because it those not accept Unlicensed images !! and for the categories and tags drop downlist i well do so "thanks" , yeah im getting 2k a day And the number rises daily but im just making some cent with plugrush :facepalm:

When you click on thumbnail it would go to post with image to be clicked to start video or download. Rather than click thumbnail that goes to post with image but image does not connect to anything, instead to look for links for download. Just kind of confusing at first. If you like, go my site see how i mean. It is here in review section post. So far I have no many good reviews of mine own so be warned lol.
According to my cpanel traffic thing I am starting to get 100-150 actual uniques a day some times.
Heey bro Nice , sorry i didn't reply earlier any why i well use some of ur advices , and i would like to know if you wont to work together in posting :handshake:.
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