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You do understand that you will require your IP to be static.

You should get a file with the extension .crt and will have ur domain name as filename so it would be yourdomain.crt
Now, save this file in any system directory for example /opt/positivessl/crt/
make sure that private key is named as private.key and chmod 700 it

Download 2 certificates for apache

Create a file named bundle.txt in the same directory to that of httpd.conf
Copy paste contents of AddTrustUTNServerCA.crt and PositiveSSLCA.crt in it.

add the following lines to httpd.conf

SSLCertificateFile /path/to/yourdomainname.crt

SSLCertificateKeyFile /path/to/private.key

SSLCACertificateFile /path/to/bundle.txt

Restart apache!
On the basis of "basic" errors faced, here is a workaround that goof-up most of us would make

let apache also listen to port 443 and NOT JUST port 80

But how do i generate the key and i did not get any file yet as im supposed to send them MY key :( I will be getting the free PositiveSSL that NamecCheap gave me on my first order :p
I'm compiling a tutorial on this right now. Will post it on the forum soon as I get done. Should be in a while. I'll update this post :)
But how do i generate the key and i did not get any file yet as im supposed to send them MY key :( I will be getting the free PositiveSSL that NamecCheap gave me on my first order :p

They should've emailed u the private key.! Search in your emails or in worst case, check ur spam box :P
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