Shared - 5GB Space, 50GB Bandwidth from $2.0/month, LiteSpeed (Germany)

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Last time we even gave hosting for 1 month for free before shutting down and you can also see that we notified everyone in Wj by checking our previous thread and even if we rise our price it will not affect our existing clients I'm so sure that you were paying the discounted price of 1$ when you were with us and never had a rise in your package price.
And next time please don't quote the first post.


One last reply you don't post that you are shutting the site down on a website that clients may or may not be part. You send an email one month in advance so they can get alternative hosting.
Thx for the Host...
I buy from this guy.
He is kandly. Courteous. Reliable. I host on he's server & I havent any problems (3 Week's). I love He biz.
Keep up the good work.
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