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Active Member

After 3 weeks of all highs on SkankD, we the owners are deciding to sell it. There are two reasons but i would rather not say. The forum itself is unique and has very high potential to be a great warez forum, and were sad to have made the decision of selling it. But here is the info.

What you get:

  • Hosting of the site for 1 month starting today hosted with So you will have chance to get things of the server if you want to or continue with hosting on that host.
  • The database, with a total of 696 posts in 665 threads by 55 members. (and counting)
  • A fully customized theme made by me (and will give support installing/modding it)
  • The unique warez domain name ( registered at and expires 29-May-2010.

If you would like to buy the theme separate i'm selling that at $10.

The theme: Its unique and modded version of bluefox. I promise you that you will never see this theme anywhere else on another forum. If you use this theme on your forum, i will throw in all the graphics etc and i'm sure this theme could fetch a 3* on Katz rating.


As you can see from this thread here that we got amazing positive reviews of the theme so you can be sure that people like it.


The price info :)

There is a BIN price but i will only tell you this price via PM if you are interested.

Weve had a private offer so the bidding starts at $20

Happy bidding and if there is any more information you want to know, then reply to this thread or pm. Thanks.

Bidding will end 11PM GMT on Wednesday :)
Payment accepted PayPal only.
Bid increases of $5 please.
Some people have been asking me what the reasons are.

I'd like to announce that myself & my fiance found out today that shes having a baby. So my main aim is now focused towards our upcoming family.

However Danny and myself will be creating a new project, which waits to be seen in weeks to come;).


I'd like to write a big BIG thankyou, to everyone else who contributed with our website. All the uploaders, The_Narc, Cyber, Ravi, MR-R-T, you guys are a great lot of uploaders, and I'm glad I've developed various friendships with each of you, thank you.
Thanks Brae. People please show an interest, this site has huge potention not just with katz but as a whole. Your getting alot and you could get it all cheap. So please bid :)
congrats pengushare man, becoming a dad is important man.

congratulations and hope everything goes okay with you and your good lady !
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