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site is no more depended on banned forums, % of traffic from pornbb was only 5%. Most of traffic is from blogs( which is owned by persons or a group of uploaders)
I sold my old imghost which ran 40-80k uniques (also adult) on flippa for $6k. If you're lucky you also get a stupid guy who thinks this is worth a lot and get like $20k :\
Yeah.. Start an auction at flippa.. Don't add a bin, set the minimum bid to 5k and 1 or 2 weeks open.. You will get a lot of bids.. People buy sites that generate on income.. Imagine yours..
You'd get around 10 months revenue (profit) so if that's really 2000$ including costs and paying affiliates, expect 15k minimum
I sold my old imghost which ran 40-80k uniques (also adult) on flippa for $6k. If you're lucky you also get a stupid guy who thinks this is worth a lot and get like $20k :\
Let me guess... you were the only one who uploaded images there, the site is dead now and the guy will never ever do business with you ever again? :)
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