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[Selling] Scrapebox Blasts - Cheap Backlinks.

I recently bought a copy of scrapebox, with the personal project now being a non runner/ small market anyway it leaves me with a copy of scrapebox and no real full time use for it.

For $2 I will provide your site with 1 full blast of a keyword scrape to level 2, this means the possibility of 1000s of back links to your sites meaning better rankings and more traffic all in one.

I can offer custom jobs, ie run once a week or anything like that at request.

also large discounts for bulk orders.

All this from a UK member so comments left will be of high quality and therefore much more likely to pass any spam detector.

your sites will get banned by google anyways for selling links soon... google is really good at banning this already. ;)
your sites will get banned by google anyways for selling links soon... google is really good at banning this already. ;)

In that case, anyone could do it to other's sites and get them banned, good work.

Maybe do some SEO research and come back?

Also, I've recently discovered that over on DP up to $25 is charged for a similar service, I'm sticking with the $2 for a simple blast though.
Keep getting asked for the number of blogs I will comment, this is purely based upon the keyword set number so I can't give you a number it's honestly that simple...I'll leave it comment for a few hours so if your keywords are able to provide alot of blogs it will try alot of blogs....nothing complicated.
I can do generic lists but once again it depends what lists are available at the time.
for $2 you don't have alot to loose.
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