Other sBorghost.com - sBorg Hosting, w/ Torrents, Unmetered b/w, Starting at 14$ (US)

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I read the whole threat, in the first 10 pages the users were happy with the service. I saw some screens with 10-40 MB/s speed. As I can see the service becomes worse and worse. Now I have a dilemma to buy or not. How is the service now??
i used the service for 1 month and most of times upload speeds are good you'll love this seller for his awesome upload speeds and about download speeds they are medium but you'll not need them :)
don't be afraid if sborg works slowly some times :)
download speeds they are medium

That's not the fault or shortcoming of the host, but rather the file host limiting the speed.

Filesonic / Fileserve ... you never get more than 2.9-3.1MBs DL.

If you're into torrents, you'll see that some of them hit 50MBs on sborghost.
I get 2.5 to 10 Mbps on filesonic and 25-30 Mbps on fileserve. I use tehhost, though they are facing some technical problems, but I think problem isn't with file hosts.
Anyone having problem during sign up with sborghost ? I don't see "out of stock" anymore.
@Jayzz: Upload speed to Mediafire from a server in DALLAS:

Upload from a server in PHOENIX:

Upload from a server in WASHINGTION:

@All: New server and new location for US plans. New EU plans should be available next month. Currently two US options: Phoenix & Washington. Hope you enjoy your stay with the best sBorg service available.
Absolutely AMAZING service.
Able to download 25 files at a time with multiload.
Great support. Instant setup!

I'm going to be a customer till the day I die. lmao.
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