Other SaffronSolutions - Unmetered 1Gbit/2Gbit Rapidleech Hosting (USA,Netherlands)

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Yes, I am a very satisfied customer.
Fast and very professional support.
I tried all the rapidleech service in here and so far saffron solutions have all the service that I need.
Just wait for the him to go online mate and test it yourself.
Well it's very nice to heart.

I already read many good things about them but just couldn't find the answers for those questions.

I'm sure it's a great company and I really want to deal with them.

As soon as I know the answers to my questions ( which I'm sure i'll like ) I'll be a happy customer with saffron too :)
Hello, I have some presale questions :

Do you provide premium accounts on the script ?

In MTN do I have to generate thumbs for each file one by one or it can be done all together at the same time ?

Can I rename the files after downloading to the script or not ?

What's the file size limit ?

Can I upload with FTP or not ?

What are the provided upload and download plugins ?

Is there an upload accounts editor or something like that ?

Is there a demo account to preview before buying ?

P.S: I know it's a lot of questions but I had to reply here because I tried to add you but you seems to not be online

I hope you are asking about Rapidleech.

1. See the last quote in his reply, you will get your answer

2. Dunno :p

3. Yes you can

4. You are given FTP access

5. See the link I posted above. Dont know about uploading plugins. Better ask for DEMO :)

6. Yes there is a DEMO for sure :)

I hope you are asking about Rapidleech.

1. See the last quote in his reply, you will get your answer

2. Dunno :p

3. Yes you can

4. You are given FTP access

5. See the link I posted above. Dont know about uploading plugins. Better ask for DEMO :)

6. Yes there is a DEMO for sure :)


I noticed that post ;)

But what I meant is which hosts do they have premium accounts for :)

And sure I want a demo to try myself but i'm just waiting for the admin to come and pm me one
Hello, I have some presale questions :

Do you provide premium accounts on the script ?

In MTN do I have to generate thumbs for each file one by one or it can be done all together at the same time ?

Can I rename the files after downloading to the script or not ?

What's the file size limit ?

Can I upload with FTP or not ?

What are the provided upload and download plugins ?

Is there an upload accounts editor or something like that ?

Is there a demo account to preview before buying ?

P.S: I know it's a lot of questions but I had to reply here because I tried to add you but you seems to not be online

Alright Matey let answer all in one sentence >> Premium Added Already , And Everything is Allowed , I got Two MTN Of Different Kinds In RL So There Will Be No Problem To You :) Demo Sent :)

Can I have a demo account for RL NL server ?

Sent mate :) Thanks
Well thx of course for the demo

But I found one major problem. I can't find any place to add my account details to upload to.

How can I upload to my accounts ?
Well thx of course for the demo

But I found one major problem. I can't find any place to add my account details to upload to.

How can I upload to my accounts ?

Also now when I tried to upload to : filesonic - fileserve - wupload - letitbit

It didn't upload to any of them

Also I can't find the place to config the MTN : number of coloumns, etc
yes it nearly done , can u please tell me wht functions u need in that , i added New MTN ... anything else ?

Yes the most important thing :D

An account editor to be able to add my account details that I want to upload to

Like adding my filesonic - fileserve - .... account details to have the files uploaded to them
Bro how to edit accounts? Also please check FS. says account not found

Im getting really nice speeds on all major filehosts :D

Done , Working Now ;)

Yes the most important thing :D

An account editor to be able to add my account details that I want to upload to

Like adding my filesonic - fileserve - .... account details to have the files uploaded to them

Alright Bro Will Be Update it , actually acc. editor is making me mad , its sql giving me hack:| just doing it
Hi bharatvashist, thanks for the great services, btw can you add the ability to choose rows and columns in the new MTN? and also an option to add/remove video/audio details in MTN. btw I'm not having good speed with wupload, should I transfer to NL server in my next month? Thanks.
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