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Well.... I don't really know what you want us to review? It just looks like a website with no customization and a standard image upload script??


1. It's not 2013 yet, so that shouldn't be in the footer.
2. I'm sure I've seen that template somewhere else, not sure if it's a standard one or not? If it is a standard one, make something up... Customize your website, make it unique.
3. Get yourself a favicon
4. Get rid of Free Image Hosting at the top - it's not needed... Well, not twice anyway. The one in the footer is ok, unless you decide to change it to something else.
5. Get yourself a logo.
6. nlbgrupa ?? I don't know what the connection is?

I think that's all I can see at the moment.
The site doesn't look good at all.

The theme colours don't go.
On the main page 'ALT text' isn't going to mean anything to many users.
Footer link to https doesn't work.
Its not 1013.
No one is going to pay $5 for a link.
The contact page has a box to upload an image.
Uploaded images look bad re-sized and break the template
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