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Sorry, the board is unavailable at the moment while we are testing some functionality.
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I like the skin, but the issue is -- what can you do that vBTEAM can't?

That question will determine the success of your site.
You might do a better job than if you keep the board porfessional with clean posts ,etc .

Hosted in USA ? You will be hammered by Vbulletin for nulled stuff

Good luck with your site ;)
Site looks ok but like UltimA said what can you offer they cant

Can you rip styles ?
Are you willing to buy styles and put them up instead of just copy and pasting from everywhere else?
How good are you at vbulletin to help other members ect?

Dont mean to hate just saying good luck with the site anyways
i have

i have worked with vbulletin for a long time also

for copying and paste'in skins etc wtf lol i dont believe it leeching at all thats for noobs i opened the site to give the members etc and good clean site i have many premium skins which i have bought over the last couple of yrs

also i can write mods customize tables update xml rip skins buy skins for trusted members etc

and thanks the site will be updated shortly has iv just opened it

looks really good. One suggestion get a favicon?

It will start getting more successful when you get more content not found on other sites.
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