Review: [+18]

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Hi Guys

This is probably finally version my porn site

I tried as much as possible to change the default appearance of this theme.
And I really need review and opinions about every aspect of my site.
From site speed to site layout.

Please feel free to comment and suggestion about changes ect..


Tested from:
New York City, New York, USA - Load time 1.46s
Amsterdam, Netherlands - Load time 1.64s

Imho is rly fast.

Added after 4 Days 20 Hours:

Anyone can check my site on mobile devices?
It should not redirect. If my site redirect fo mobile devices please raport it to me!
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I rebrand logo and change layout color cause I wanted to have site that looks more professionally.
So I need review and opinions about new layout/logo

PS. Blast Support I rly waiting for your rewiew buddy;)
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Well well well what we got here is another porn website but this one is different from the other gazillion other porn websites on the great wide interweb this one

ofcus on the teen niche, I must say that theteenbay made me somewhat horny so I agree it's an above average site.
But as we know I'm here to give some website critic and not to fap around like most people do here on WJunction.

Your main mistake on your site is that you don't use

The whole top part of your site should not be there imho, it's displaced.
You don't need a home button make a home link on your logo it enough.
Link Exchange on top? why?? why??? WHY???? remove delete and empty the recycle bin, or move it to the bottom of the page.
Porn requests, what the fuck? put it down in the bottom, if I'm a user with hardon looking for fast porn I will surely will not take my time to write you my

Search bar, I'd move it under the logo.

What a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong list of worthless links, remove all this not needed graphics and replace with good 'ol text links.

Follow you on bloglovin' ? why in the world would I want to follow you? and who is bloglovin'.. remove.

What is this shit?

Yes sure, when I'm looking for porn what I want is a bunch of broken images, good going there.

Why the hell do you have so many animated gifs with a link to out.php, is it a traffic trade script? if it is.. your doing it wrong, no surfer in the world would like to go somewhere else from what he clicks, I'd fix that whole slow loading going no where column of gifs.

Dude, play the song below to get a good feeling while reading the above mambo jambo:

Well well well what we got here is another porn website but this one is different from the other gazillion other porn websites on the great wide interweb this one

ofcus on the teen niche, I must say that theteenbay made me somewhat horny so I agree it's an above average site.
But as we know I'm here to give some website critic and not to fap around like most people do here on WJunction.

Rly thanks for your time buddy. I must admit that I was waiting for this reviews.

Your main mistake on your site is that you don't use

I upload small file so stats for me is maximum 12$ :( and this $..I prefer Euro :D

The whole top part of your site should not be there imho, it's displaced.
You don't need a home button make a home link on your logo it enough.
Link Exchange on top? why?? why??? WHY???? remove delete and empty the recycle bin, or move it to the bottom of the page.
Porn requests, what the fuck? put it down in the bottom, if I'm a user with hardon looking for fast porn I will surely will not take my time to write you my requests.
Search bar, I'd move it under the logo.

Now Link Exchange is on footer...maybe I will rename it to Webmaster.
Home and Porn request deleted:)

What a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong list of worthless links, remove all this not needed graphics and replace with good 'ol text links.

Hmm maybe i will change it...But atm I think this is ok(Better for traffic exchange)

Follow you on bloglovin' ? why in the world would I want to follow you? and who is bloglovin'.. remove.


What is this shit?

Unfortunately I can not remove this :(
These pages require this image

Yes sure, when I'm looking for porn what I want is a bunch of broken images, good going there.

Subdomain problem - I will fix it asap

Why the hell do you have so many animated gifs with a link to out.php, is it a traffic trade script? if it is.. your doing it wrong, no surfer in the world would like to go somewhere else from what he clicks, I'd fix that whole slow loading going no where column of gifs.

Animations removed . Btw could you tell me how I can traffic trade correct (In your opinion) :P
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