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Active Member
0 I have had this site using a free topsite script and haven't really done any work on it.

So i decided the other day to clean it up, and upgrade the code. For most people here you wont get why u can sort the list, and move the other, but basically sites that require a password to view the forums its very useful.

Some small sites (u cant see it now i accidentally deleted the member database, oops lol)

Those members can move their low site to the top for easy access.

The only thing really left is upgrading the html, its a big table lol. (this site is about 3-5 years old)

And SEO.

Any suggestions feedback please let me know.

Optimized for Firefox.
the html is horrible, dont even start with that lol, i have to rewrite it, (i never wrote it) i have never seen such a horrible HORRIBLE code job lol
i appreciate all the feedback but one, the first one i quoted

thanks now i know where i can improve it :)

Come mate it's a mess, try to order everything!

Not fully understanding what you mean

Looks like shit. No offense. You need a new theme/skin or something.

non taken, but its not supposed to look all that pretty, but you never know maybe a skin will be made for it

Its good, but you need to re order everything.

same as above, seems there is a bug with ordering but i dont fully understand what you guys are talking about any info or screenshots would be amazing
Maybe you took me in a way that I never meant, but seriously first impression matters a lot. The title bars are not aligned with text and that makes it ugly.


Moreover the background(grey) and foreground can be improved.

I know you cant change the banners as those are provided by other webmasters but you could change the format. like simple text based top site. And when you click a link it shows you details - banner, password, hits and all.
aw thats an IE bug, i will fix that, u should look at it in ff :P use a real browser lol, but what u just said makes alot more sense and is more useful then what u said before lol, thanks, and i will correct that tomorrow
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