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Active Member

Who are we?
We are a free image host with a mission to provide our users with an reliable place to upload their images:)

If you want to upload to our site you will need to register, guests will not be able to upload.

Reason for being registred users only:
So that you can easily find the links to your images in the long run.

Nitish, Hx, Humour (If you need help you can contact any of us)

If you like picstash, feel free to follow us

If you support us and want to add a banner on your site here is the banner:

Our Tools


Picsnapper lets you to screenshot anything you browse very easily and you can easily configure what your hot key is and we have an option to make it start up automatically which can be configured via the app and an option to take an full screenshot by pressing the button "capture screen".

If you guys have any suggestions or feedback please, inform us via this thread

People who have helped out:
Soft2050,Yard,Fdls, Localh0st
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You need to be logged in for it to work :), if it doesnt work when your logged in then please tell me and il look into it, but its working on my end.

So i presume you guys tried to upload without being logged in.

Doesn't work.
NFT/TxT to PNG/ RAR/ZIP Upload doesn't work either.

This is still in development;)
Have many css glitches at least on firefox.

For example the text area where you paste the image url to remote upload not have a decent right margin and look ugly... is an example... exists more (lazy to write all of them, simply load the site on firefox and you will see lots of margin/padding not used and looks ugly).
you should inform users about having to register..
all of us had the same problem. users should figure out for them selfs what to do ,..

I have updated the site so it has a message below the upload button which states that user needs to be registred to upload.

Have many css glitches at least on firefox.

For example the text area where you paste the image url to remote upload not have a decent right margin and look ugly... is an example... exists more (lazy to write all of them, simply load the site on firefox and you will see lots of margin/padding not used and looks ugly).

Looks fine on my resolution, would be great if you could send me a screenshot of how it looks on your end and il take a closer look :)
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