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Hello ! Everybody
Today I lunched my new web hosting site NOMAN HSOTING which located at Portal Home - NOMAN HOSTING I hope you all will review my hosting site.
Thanks for reading.

Congrats on launching your site.

Your site is currently amazingly horrible and needs many fixes to make it appropriate to the modern demands of internet hosting consumers.
I will dispense my adivses below in hope that you will follow at least some of them to make your site better.

What is the use of the portal home link on top of your page, if you want a link that leads to the index page just make the logo click able.

Why have a live chat link when you don't have live chat, remove that link.

If you have a number on your site to call, make it a number and not xxxxxxx or otherwise get rid of it.

Your logo is horrible, for god sake get someone from WJunction to do a normal logo for you or even pay $10 for it, but please PLEASE get rid of that abomination.

The whole middle part of your site is aligned to the left, I wonder if you miss looked it or are you blind.

There is no need for PaypaL and Payza text in the bottom part, what is it good for? if you use these names at least put the logo these companies have so people can relate to it.

If your going to fake customer testimonials at least do it right and what the fuck is depoimentos are you a site in English or portuguese?

While you go fix all the above errors I suggest you listen to the below music:
Thanks for your valuable advises
The theme which I am using now is not in English. Currently I am editing the theme. :) You may know that editing a theme is not an easy task or can't edit within some minutes. Besides I am not an expert :( I am still editing this.
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