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Well those are videos from a lot of different sources. Make your image smaller, lol I saw it.

Well for right now, I'm not looking to spend a few 100$ on it. Cause I know I would have to with a custom skin. For now I just want to make sure everything is OK. That I get traffic to it. Improve the English on it. Maybe when I start earning from the site, new skin will be in the works.

I suggest you find at least a premade skin because this one looks dead and doesn't really hit it with the viewer. :P
Nope the Legally bought this script. The nulled versions of this are all trash and plus I wanted a legit site and nulled isnt the way to go. I paid 55$ for it.

I'm gonna have to remove that part. Thanks.

Keep the suggestions coming.

Just a question does the templete come with the music coming throught their servers or do you upload the music yourself?
Just a question does the templete come with the music coming throught their servers or do you upload the music yourself?

I dont upload it. It searches and finds then automatically. It's all auto.
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