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Is there a way to make it detect wether you're on mobile or PC coz going to the site and having to click on either PC or mobile is annoying.

Get a favicon, change the banner and If you can get a better skin the one you have is nice but it's really eye straining :/

Good luck with your site.
needs to imrpove the homepage..its really annoying as said by Gh0st & Profit, need a better skin & better logo...

The username called "xXx_WEBK!NG_xXx | BADSHAH | xZx_KiNG_xZx" needs a new color coz black color over black background is not visible.....

Anyways...there are many things....for improvement.

Good Luck for your site :D

- I lose interests in your site only after typing the domain the my browser.
[slide][/slide] it's not needed. Just have everything on one site.
- You need a favicon.
- Your title is just not right.. "WEBK!NG", what's that suppose to be..? Failed attempt to be 1337.
- Your logo looks like its made in a kind of generator. You should hire someone to make a better logo.
- Your register now logo for the guests looks like its ripped from somewhere.. [slide][/slide] ..
- You have no community sections in your forum.. (General / Off topic etc)
- [slide][/slide] <- No need to use CAPS, and it's looks very bad when you use " LeTteRS LiKe ThiS ". It's not cool!
- This also looks kinda stupid [slide][/slide]. IMHO it should only appears something there when a user has birthday. And " !!! " before and after .. Why? It's enough with one "!" after the sentence.
- [slide][/slide] also doesn't look good.. No need to have this HeY KiNGz I POSTED A NEW THREAD..
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