Review: HotPorn4.Us (18+)

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Updated the theme so I will bump this as I didn't get a reply for over a month. Please don't sue me for it mates!
Why do you tell such a thing? I've written the theme myself, there is not one script hosted on another server excepting google analytics. And there is no advertisement on my website too. I've waited over a month for a reply, and now this reply will stop people from visiting my website. I think you should perform a virus scan on your system, seems like there is some adware on it. And then it yould be great if you could edit yur post.
Nice site.
- the menu is kinda empty you could add a random link which takes the visitors to a random post;
- maybe add a <hr> between the post content and the comments;
- make the "Leave a Reply" text bold and a little bit bigger;
- maybe move "your email address..." text below the email field and make it smaller;
- add some padding/margin (top and bottom) around the categories and navigation on the post page;
Thanks for your review mate.
-I'm planning to put all the comment stuff in a expendable div and divide it by a 1px border since it really looks strange.
-You are right with the email link, i think i will add a info icon wich shows the text on hover.
-You are right with the leave reply text. I think i will completely redo the comment session.
-I will do that, 5px or 10px I think. I also will center it. If I even leave it there. As I'm writing this i think about redo the whole single post view.

Would you mind if I contact you when the changes are done?

I will give your website a review soon too, even before I will make the changes to my site but at the moment i need to do some real life things first, I will give you the review in 1-3 hours mate.
Thanks for the reply abuzar, I will do this.

Added after 2 Days 16 Hours:

I've now made some changes mentioned by CK13.
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