Review AutoSubmitter Page

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Seems nice, but the header looks like 11 year olds made it.. (I used those layers when I was like.. 10?) Also use a 'select all submit categories' thingy, so it's easy to change all submits to 1 type.
Obviously asking members for reviews you're going to get positive and negative feedback, to be expected.
Without sounding TOO mean I have to be honest, it doesn't look good.
The GFX are really bad, in the header and in the footer.
The globe images and the text/font need to be replaced completely.
You have too much of a contrast on colors also.
You also have the logo linking to a new page.
You have forced scrolling for the DDL sites, bad idea. All sites should be visible without having to scroll to select. People WILL overlook that.

My honest opinion.

lolz TPF graphics are like that only.Anyway site looks good.
yes they are, I thought since Google was a muti-billion dollar company,and use same kind of logo, different font,it was an "acceptable" practice .anyway, thanks for the reviews.
yeah, the graphics need major improvement, otherwise everything looks fine (provided that the autosubmitter script works properly)..

I suggest adding two columns for the ddl selection (one where your site needs to be added to a whitelist and another where you just submit) and also, if your submitter can save the preferences that webmasters use i.e. which boxes are selected for the next time you visit the submisson page.
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