Remote upload from Filesonic to other host ??

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I need to remote upload lot of filesonic links to other host , as the current corrupted files issue is affecting hundreds of my files everyday :(
I used to RU from Filesonic to fileserve but they blocked each other last week so I cant use it anymore.

So now which host can I use to Remote upload from filesonic ??
I tried Depositfiles and megaupload but both dont work.
Ru from filesonic to Oron works perfectly but its very painful ( limited to 10 files at time and cant save our filesonic username and pass, need to add the syntax for each link which take lot of time)

Thks for your help
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It won't work because FSN use email to be username. so when we put the username to url to remote upload, it will have @ twice. I think its FSN trick to save their BW.

I need to remote upload lot of filesonic links to other host , as the current corrupted files issue is affecting hundreds of my files everyday :(
I used to RU from Filesonic to fileserve but they blocked each other last week so I cant use it anymore.

So now which host can I use to Remote upload from filesonic ??
I tried Depositfiles and megaupload but both dont work.
Ru from filesonic to Oron works perfectly but its very painful ( limited to 10 files at time and cant save our filesonic username and pass, need to add the syntax for each link which take lot of time)

Thks for your help

Friend.. I have never witnessed remote upload from Filesonic to Oron work..
DOes the same works backwards???

ES -> FS?

Yes FS to Easy share and Easy sahre to FS work.
But for easy share to filesonic you have a limited traffic of 60gb for 7 days so if you want to RUI a lot from easy share better try another host.

I tried and its the same, daily traffic is only 5GB, totally useless , you cant Remote a single Hd movie or ps3 game.

Any other host which we can remote uplod to and from ?? and without traffic limit?
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