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New Member
Hey all, I'm looking for a new reliable offshore webhost. I need something with great up time, and something that doesn't slow down every 20 freakin' minutes due to a crappy connection or over-loaded shared server. I need a host who won't feed me lies, saying things like "Your website isn't down, it's up." When it clearly isn't. I'm looking specifically for an all-out unlimited hosting plan, since I plan to expand aggressively.

  • Unlimited diskspace
  • Unlimited bandwidth
  • Unlimited domains/websites
  • Unlimited sub-domains
  • Unlimited addon-domains
  • Unlimited parked domains
  • Unlimited MySQL databases/users/size
  • Unlimited email accounts
  • Support for all types of popular scripts
  • Instant backups
If anybody can help me out, it'd be much appreciated. Show me great service, and I'll be a valued lifetime customer.
Unlimited disk space doesn't exist.

I can provide you the following hosting plan. It's on a vps with just my sites on it, so it isn't cluttered! You will be the only person sold to, as I am only looking for one customer.

5 GB Storage
1500 GB Bandwidth (more will be given as it is consumed)
Unlimited addon domains, sub domains, mysql databases, etc
LxAdmin Control Panel
You could try out Plutost. We dont give anything unlimited, because shared isnt for that. That's why our servers are so stable (except hw failures orr httpd misconfiguration which would cause couple of hrs of downtime). You need bigger packages - you need vps, not shared mate.
Thanks to everyone for their replies, they're all very much appreciated. I see some great deals and packages here, so I'll be comparing them all and making a decision. Thanks for taking the time to help me out! =]
Thanks to everyone for their replies, they're all very much appreciated. I see some great deals and packages here, so I'll be comparing them all and making a decision. Thanks for taking the time to help me out! =]

Let us know if you need anything further, we'll be happy to help!
Knowinservers is good, but definitely stay away from unlimited hosts, they are usually the ones that cancel your plan for obscure reasons and usually have a very strict tos
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