Re-opened old DDL site Please Submit...

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I know this is not a review and I do not have a site to exchange or submit with. But, I wanted to let you know that the majority of the text on your DDL site is very hard to read. (contrast between text and background color)
Thanks to everyone so far...I changed the skin so I think it should be alot easier to read.
Smoky's my gfx man so hopefully soon he'll have me hooked up with some sweet styles.
You all need to check out what he can do for you....he is a cheap and his work is great.
Damn that's a lot of not really...

I went with DDLCMS this time because I suck at coding and it was easier to get all the mods up and going fast. If I could code worth a shit I would have stayed with WCDDL. Or if I had some really good coding friends. lol
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