Other RDP-Hosting.com - 250GB HD, Unmetered BW, For Torrenting at 40 MB/s from $40/mo (NL)

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Torrenting with TORRENT+ speed is great. It hits 50MB/s at most in my case. But...

Uploading to DuckLoad, FileSonic's EU servers, FreakShare is 500kb/s to 20MB/s. Mostly it gets 1MB/s.
Downloading from them is 5MB/s per one connection.
Raring a 2GB file in store mode takes 15 minutes. Sometimes longer than that.
Unraring a 2GB file archived in store mode takes 15-30 minutes.
Loading a software like FileZilla sometimes takes minutes. Fails occasionally.
I received a reply for my thicket regarding them but got no solution.

Sometimes the user profile doesn't load so that I can't log in.
Create a ticket and wait for hours.

Best effort time is really short in one day. It always slow.
I've been experiencing this everyday. Not once in a while.

I don't judge anything here. I'm just sharing my experience.
Decision is up to you, future customers:)
Hey masamune,

I think your review is not so bad, I actually like it, but I would like to make some explanations.
First of all it's imporatant to know that you are on a HDD that allows torrenting. That is the reason why these download speeds to filehosts are so unstable. When you are torrenting at 50 MB/s the HDD is loaded at 100% and all the rest will go slow. We are aware of this issue so we only place 4 users per hdd. Try to find another provider who does that, you won't find any.

Please do not use store mode, I already explained that this will even make it slower.

About the issue with the user profiles and filezilla not loading, this is something you should report. About the user profiles we never received any complaints before. What you are saying about filezilla, I know the cause of that issue. It's because the C:/ HDD gets overloaded. We try to resolve this by placing 0 users on the HDD, so only the program files and the operating system. There's nothing else we can do at this.

In general I think your review is pretty positive. We can conclude that you paid to be able to torrent and high speeds and that is what you received since you said yourself you are able to download torrents at 50 MB/s, which is not just pretty good, but just amzingly good.

deleting files takes a lot of time...hope it gets faster soon... and i only get 1 - 2mbps on torrent but its okay though..

and i think the rdp restarted earlier and when it got back all my torrent files on deluge is gone
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Hey Godric,

Server 2 was indeed restarted earlier today. As already explained the hdds are loaaded very heavily. The speed you are getting os absolutely not normal and somethi g has to be done about tht. Can I ask you what tracker you are downloading from?

i downloaded from 3 different private tracker and still the same speed... i always gets 300 - 800kbps only.. then sometimes 1 - 2 mbps
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