Other RDP-Hosting.com - 250GB HD, Unmetered BW, For Torrenting at 40 MB/s from $40/mo (NL)

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Just a Review:

Got the Account today, Speeds are pretty awesome. Both to Filehosts and Torrents, and the HDD Speed is flawless. Loving this so far. I think its well worth the money.

lol my Home connection are 12Mb/s why to buy from people who say (i have 1 Gb/s)and real connection is 10Mb/s. ex: basshost.com X-(
who said you to reply here lolz...

though im interested in your rdp.. But as you said 24 hours money back gurentee but will you compansate us if your rdp has some problem or downtime.

Thank you very much waiting
I get very good download/upload speeds on the RDP .

+ I don't think any server has 10mb/s . The minimum i seen is 100Mb/s .

So Roxorlol - STFU instead of posting rubbish xD 10Mb/s L0L
Hey guys,

UPDATE: Some servers are currently not accepting logins because they are being optimized.
Roxorlol, I don't understand what I have to do with your bad experience with another host.

thank you

Yesterday i have made payment kindly send me details at my Email address. I have also submit a ticket regarding it..


Thank you
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