Selling RDP for 10 ppl @ 1 GBPS Dedi. Server - 200GB @ 30$

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Active Member

You will get a 200GB space on a dedicated server with the following specs:

Server Provider - (Flame Server) *Link*


1 Gbit Download | 1 Gbit Upload
8 GB DDR3 Ram
Unlimited Download Bandwidth | 100TB (Practically unlimited too) Upload Bandwidth

35$ / month

RDP (Licensed Win Server 08)
Online support
You will be able to install any software yourself.

Not allowed:
Warez site hosting
Child porn
Public trackers

Slots Available = 8

Cycle = 25th of each month

EUROPE (France)

You will get a 200GB space on a dedicated server with the following specs:

Server Provider - OVH (Click on OVH , 4T)
Intel i7 930
4x2x2.8 Ghz
1 Gbit/s Download | 200Mbps Upload
12 GB DDR3 Ram
Unlimited bandwidth

30$ / month

RDP (Licensed Win Server 08)
Online support
You will be able to install any software yourself.

Not allowed:
Warez site hosting
Child porn
Public trackers

Slots Available = 0

Cycle = 5th of each month

Test Accounts available. Reply in this thread , then :

1. Leave a reply here with your MSN and you will be contacted when a slot is free with test account details.

Please note that this is a server - By the uploader , For the uploaders. I AM NOT looking for profit. Do the math yourselves ;)

btw you know me as Silent.Hunter from Warez-bb and Tehparadox (VIP in both of them :P) (PM me there to be sure).
lol, the bandwidth is not unmetered, once the server reaches 15 tb ovh will put you on 10 mbps, next to that this guy is trying to make massive profit, mind my words about the bandwidth
umm no , see its from "" not , the speed wont be degraded , I have been using it past 6 months , and how am I making "massive" profit ?
Again, what the use of having 200Gb of hard disk available, if warez hosting is not allowed?

A quick scan of OVH of your clients' hard disks and your server will be belly up in no time.

For $25 you can get a nice Windows RDP.

About the profit, the server costs $153 per month. So if you sell 10 x $25 = US$250, you make a nice profit ... if you sell only 6, then you'll lose.

And as $25 is just too much for a RL, I wonder if you will sell all slots.
well its intended for uploaders , not for hosting sites and as far as being expensive is concerned , most of the rl sellers are selling like 15gb for around 7-8$ , so how is 25$ for 200gb expensive ?? and would u elaborate how much gb will u get for 25$ rdp ?
15gb for around 7-8$ , so how is 25$ for 200gb expensive
I don't think you grasp it.

HD is cheap. You get 4,000Gb for USD 153 per month (0.038 per Gb). So you can't compare 15 gb (0.45) with 200 Gb (7.65). Your RL is 25 - 7 = 18 dollars more expensive, yet the more value of the HD is only USD 7.20.

On my own RL service we provide 25/50Gb of HD. Yet 90% of the users use only a small fraction of it.

And ever considered why an uploader needs to leave 200Gb of files on the hard disk ....? Is it really necessary to keep files you uploaded 10 days ago?

It really doesn't matter how much hard disk you get. Speeds, bandwidth, uptime and CPU load are more important factors.

Furthermore, speeds on HF and FS (and other onshore hosts) are not that higher on 1Gbps or 100Mbits. Only if you're a heavy RS leecher, the added speed on a 1Gbps is valuable.
yes for 1 segment , 1gbps wont make a difference but multiple users will get a very good performance

as far as more space is concerned , u dont want more space , so 15 gb @ 8$ is better than 250 gb @ 25$. I get ur point. But bigger uploaders like me would say otherwise , since YOUR expectations is less than the service i am providing , i would respectfully ask u to leave this thread.

"I dont want 200gb , so ur service is not acceptable" - this my friend is a laughable logic.

you said - It really doesn't matter how much hard disk you get. Speeds, bandwidth, uptime and CPU load are more important factors.

I can bet my 1000$, the performance the 10 users will get in core i7 will be insanely better than 1k users u put for 25gb in ur server. Are u trying to say - only 10 users will get bad performance in 4 x 2 x 2.66 Ghz ?? really mate ??
You really have no clue.

And how about the last phrase? 1K ..? I have only 11 clients on the RL/TF server and 13 on the RL only server. Same processor, 8Gb of RAM (I never saw more than 1.4Gb being used).

Furthermore, where did I say that the performance would be bad? Read well before making silly remarks.

And about performance .. you check the reviews in my threads.
lol dude dont get offended , u are trying to make constructive criticism and i really appreciate that , but -ahem- saying that 10$ - 25gb is better than 25$ - 200gb is a bit illogical, dont u think ? also keep in mind abt big uploaders ;)

and dont start with an argument with - "u have no clue" , first it doesnt suit well with the intended reader and fyi i have been in the scene longer than u can imagine :)

btw ur suggestion is duly noted , i should rather install windows and sell rdp , lol
i should rather install windows and sell rdp , lol
Now that's a good idea ... :P

However, its still offshore so speeds to/from HF and FS (probably the most popular hosts nowadays) are not optimal.

u have no clue
Was literally aimed at your remark that we put 1K users on our server, which is clueless.
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