RapidVideo - 1080p HD | Multiquality | Fast encodings | Fast Speed


Jennifer´s Husband
Premium Member
Dear Wjunction Users,

I'm Harvey and i will be your manager here regarding RapidVideo.com. I would like to introduce our video service.​

Player Settings: Use your own logo in the player, remove titles and descriptions, activate anti-adblock, hide source links by obfuscating the code, and add a backlink for your logo

We have our own-made scripts and configurations, so the videos encodings will start immediately, without seeing “Buffering 0%” Our stream is excellent, including asian countries.

You can upload in multiple Threads through the Browser Upload after the video is upload a link/embed code will be generated.

Breakdown of Features:
- Up to 1080p HD Quality. We have also 480p and 720p.
- Support for mobile Phones
- Support for HTML5 as Primary
- Useful Video Manager with Folders Management, Export functions and categorizing Videos.
- Multi-Threads supported Upload Formular
- z-o-o-m uploader tool support
- Good streaming speed, it works with every slow internet connection too.
- Unlimited space / Almost no delete from inactivity, only when there is limited space, we will delete the files that haven’t been viewed in awhile (1 to 2 months).
- SRT subs support

Rules & Conditions is simple:
Copyright Content, that you don't have the rights for the content is strictly prohibited, please respect copyright.
Adult content is allowed also, if you want to upload adult content, you can also use www.bitporno.com , there is a thread here too.
Adult is allowed on RapidVideo.com and BitPorno.com.
You will be locked if you try to manipulate our system, such i.e. as spamming, fake traffic sending, hotlinking videos
Any violations of these rules will have your account permanently disabled and earnings forfeited if no solution is possible.

What are the limitations?
Storage: None.
Traffic: None.
All files can removed after 60days of inactivity. To bypass it, you can buy Premium.

How we count views:
We count up to 3 view per vistors for each user. For example, if you view five different videos from same user, it’ll be 3 views. If you view the same video 5 times it will be 3 view too.

How to add SRT subs to videos?
Click on CC, then select the language and upload the srt file

If do you have suggestions or tips, we are happy to hear it and try to improve ourselves any further.

Feel free to test us. We wish you best luck, if you choose us as your hoster.
Link to register:

RapidVideo Register:

Kind regards,
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Rapidvideo, i clicked in my videomanager to sort videos by A-Z, when it refreshed i saw folders of other people, have gay porn videos, movies etc. Please take a look into this because i don't know did if i could click "delete video" did it would dissapear from someone account.


Thanks, seems issue with cookies and session, but even if you click delete, it doesn't happen.
Is there any advantage for premium user? Like fast encoding, fast remote upload?

Actually, i am planning to remove Premium permamently from the sites and turn the features for free, since only Pro Users buys it and this is at disadvantage for us. Another way is to limit the premium accounts to 500 GB personal storage per premium account, if the videos should never be deleted and have no deletion setting.
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Actually, i am planning to remove Premium permamently from the sites and turn the features for free, since only Pro Users buys it and this is at disadvantage for us. Another way is to limit the premium accounts to 500 GB personal storage per premium account, if the videos should never be deleted and have no deletion setting.

500GB for premium with 4K, OMG...
Actually, i am planning to remove Premium permamently from the sites and turn the features for free, since only Pro Users buys it and this is at disadvantage for us. Another way is to limit the premium accounts to 500 GB personal storage per premium account, if the videos should never be deleted and have no deletion setting.
I think that's not god idea, maybe you can make prices bit lower or make some promotions. Also Limiting 500gb per account is to low space.

P.S. - Today I clicked on root directory button and there was some another panel from some user. I don't know how it happened, then when i click on video manager i was loged out.
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Yeah, everyone just want unlimited space and premium encodings for free, and send 0 views. This is not happening with RapidVideo... so im planning 15$ per TB space charged per month extra if premium activated, so i can finance the CPU and space from it.
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Your premium is too expensive but you should keep premium service however you could create two types of premium accounts. Normal users who only watch videos do not need space for videos, they want faster DL speed, so you should create cheap accounts (like 3- 5 euro max!) for those who only watch videos and other type for uploaders ;)

and hmm, 500GB on premium in 2016 ? :whistling:
Look I agree on a few things with you. But, I have some ideas:

-As you said has many users who sign 1 month's premium just to have a fast speed of conversion and uploading videos, and not renew it anymore. Could delete the monthly Prize and leave the other 2 plans.
-As for the views for video could put about 5 views (prevents bots from views) by video to not be deleted to free users. Premium users already independent of the plan that have 1 year or 3 months put a goal of views.
-Premium plans could also come with the option of a unique kind 1080 p resolution (3 months) or 4 k + 1080 p (1 year), the 720 p would be for all users, because it has other sites that support. Or put users free just might have the original resolution of the video (without resolutions like 480 p, 360 p, etc in the little menu), what would prevent the accumulation of videos and conversions.
-And how the Drinkordie said could create plans for users who just want to watch without pop-ups to a more affordable price.

As for the premium be limited to 500 GB of files not deleted, I don't think it's going to make a lot of difference between the free and the premium, because the user who pays the prize aims to upload more files in less time and protects them for unlimited time and with the modification to only 500 GB protected do not pay the premium.

Sorry for the big text.
It is not my business but..
Why just do not something like this:
Examples for Prices:
3 euros/ 30 days
5 euros/ 60 days
15 euros/ 180 days
30 euros/ 360 days
Presence of advertising: free user Maximum ads, premium can choose ads options {10,50 or 100%)
When are your files deleted? free user 90 days after last view, premium Never
Video HD for premium only, 480p for free user
Encoding priority for premium
Remote URL upload : for free (speed limited) and premium no limited
Storage space: free user 250 go, premium user 2 tb + extra cost for more space
Download speed: free Very limited, premium user Maximum
When user is not renew premium, account downgrade to free user account..
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500 internal server error, view from embed mode

one of our servers nginx half crashed, restarted

Added after 1 58 minutes:

Storage space: free user 250 go, premium user 2 tb + extra cost for more space

each 3$ covers only 250 GB of premium space. 2 TB as standard is not gonna to work.

users such like as marcos00, spytronicmk, etc is abusing the unlimited space and better encodings, since they used many TB's of data and never generate a view from his videos, so they are abusing RapidVideo as backup storage host at this moment.

250 GB base for premium users, for each TB of protected space costs 15 - 20$ per month, this is only way to work. Since here on RapidVideo only Pro users buys premium and mass upload to it. One Server with 2x 3 TB disk is 40-80€ per month ... so you do the math.

I think its best way to remove premium completely and all premium users will have the 30 days delete police too, just like free users. Other way is to raise the price to 50€ per month ... see https://vimeo.com/upgrade as comparsion. This is not a file host, this is a video site.

-As for the views for video could put about 5 views (prevents bots from views) by video to not be deleted to free users. Premium users already independent of the plan that have 1 year or 3 months put a goal of views.

haha, this gonna not to work, when we are not removing the earning rewards program, we have only 10 TB of space left at this moment... Tomorrow or in 2 days is the space on RapidVideo full and new uploads will stop to work.

I explained to users many times, that the multi formats costs massive money.... Unless we are not doing 720x404 as one format, we are not giving 40$ per 10k views for tier 1 etc.

Lets have a vote:

- Users earnings as now or better earnings like 40$ per 10k views
- only 360p and 720p formats
- limited space for premium


- all formats and more space is possible
- 80/20 revenue share... after server cost is cut, 80% earnings from ad networks earnings goes to you and 20% to us.

Which way do you prefer?
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i told you few days ago not to go multiple quality, may be in future when rapidvideo start to generate good revenue.

make only 360p and 720p (if want ignore 360p) no need any premium space. just delete inactive file every 30days. it's common sense if any file don't bring any view in first 7days how that can bring good view in future.

calculate how much money single viewer can bring every month. sell premium account on that price like 3USD/M assume from single viewer ads view you can make 3USD or less. and split the money with uploader.

premium account only feature no ads view i doubt though how many people will buy if they get full speed streaming.
Already deleted inactive files... still its not good, because all the videos has an average view of 1.5 views per file for per day...

I never wanted to start with rewards and premium to begin with, because of the multiple formats. Without it, it is better. I tested how many normal vistors buy premium, it appears, no one buys it, so its non sense now.

Only 360p and 720p, it would save a lot of CPU, traffic and space and thus increasing the user's earnings. But that were sad if the only one purpose of the host is gone.

about 3-4 years ago, we didnt had any rewards programs or premium and this has worked... But today, everyone cares about his money and not his users. If the users care about money, i could make a sister host with 360p+720p only and high rates.

So you users decide it, which way we follow.
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Lets have a vote:
- Users earnings as now or better earnings like 40$ per 10k views
- only 360p and 720p formats
- limited space for premium
- all formats and more space is possible
- 80/20 revenue share... after server cost is cut, 80% earnings from ad networks earnings goes to you and 20% to us.

Which way do you prefer?
Clarify on the second one after server cost is cut, because this doesn't make sense for users making 2 cents a day vs. those making 2 dollars a day.
Vote is for the first one.
The result are same.

RevShare 80/20
revenue 100% from ad network .... minus the server cost = 100% profits, 80% to users, 20% to us. Rates are changed daily

Fixed rates
depends on ad networks earnings and conversion, and also depends on how much we spend server cost

Added after 1 26 minutes:

Some interesting stats:

Currently 280 TB raw data stored, 15 TB secure storage is free:

formats breakdown:
480p formats 60.326.169.265.667 bytes
1080p bytes
480p with subs 3.790.889.796.289 bytes
1080p with subs 2.897.527.382.614 bytes
4K 16.349.123.178 bytes
240p unknown

total: 110.155.940.332.335 bytes.. about 110 TB

only 360p bytes
only 720p 71.718.989.934.544 bytes
only 720p with subs = 5.077.907.279.850 bytes
only 360p with subs = 2.410.765.587.602 bytes

total 120.320.740.561.860 bytes, about 120 TB

As you can see... the optional formats costs us a lot.... so i would like to change:

- show only 2 formats 360p and 720p.
- upload limit will lifted, anyone can upload so much stuff as he wants.
- because the space and traffic is saved, the earnings can go up.
- less CPU stress for encodings, resulting fewer server numbers.
- more storage is freed, so the videos can live longer or even unlimited time.
- more earnings is increased, just because the server cost is lesser if i do that.

I did a test with that settings for 2 hours.... the traffic is saved by ~ 25%, but then the views is increased by 40%, but the traffic remains the same.
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Man, so you started here, as pro host with 4K, 1080p videos, we promote your host as so, and now you're saying ehh, let's cut quality to 720p and pay me for space ...

Sry man but this is so unproffesional, you cut on quality and want us to pay you for space,- on the other hand you add your ads to videos that we upload and promote :facepalm: After all, it does not make sense, it would be better for many of us just to buy servers by yourself and push our ads directly ...


You can try start your own host and try to pay for 4K etc, i bet for that files that you uploaded so far, about 500€ per month.... the host are not designed for inactive files or backup files. I simply doesnt want people that upload non-sense 10000 videos to us and then bye, not sharing the videos with others.

Premium accounts will having all 6 formats... after 30 - 90 days of no views the videos is deleted still apply for Premium. Protected space with no-deletion attr will pay extra. I never wanted premium in the beginning, it was just an test to see if the users buys.

Right now, test is over and all 6 formats are active again. And im adding more storage at the moment and converting the server layout.

If you want all 6 formats, you can forferit your 100% earnings.... because im making 2 options... if all 6 formats, then 0% earnings, if only 2 formats, then 100% earnings, sorry, because the viewers from tier 5 such as brazil and turkey costs us much, if they watch 4K.
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